St. Louis Prosecutor McCulloch is now in the crosshairs. An ethics - TopicsExpress


St. Louis Prosecutor McCulloch is now in the crosshairs. An ethics committee has filed a complaint with the Missouri Bar accusing McColloch & his 2 assistant DAs with 15 counts of gross professional misconduct. The allegations include: - Giving Jury Instructions that were ruled unconstitutional decades ago. - Knowingly allowing perjured testimony — specifically allowing an altered report by the Chief of Police about whether Officer Wilson knew that Brown was a suspect in stealing some blunts. In his early statements he said Wilson didnt have that information but the report given to the Grand Jury said he did. - Mislabeling and misplacing evidence related to key witness Dorian Johnson, the boy that was with Michael Brown when he got shot. - Failing to provide specific charges to the jury after “dumping” on them thousands of pages of interviews and evidence the complainants cite as going above gross negligence. - Presenting witnesses they knew would lie on the witness stand. McCulloch has admitted that when he called Sandy McElroy to testify before the grand jury he knew she was never actually on scene to witness the shooting of Mike Brown, which may be a crime in and of itself. - One key allegation that has been made against McCulloch is that he deliberately let other witnesses testify that he knew would lie so he could discredit them, thus leaving the Grand Jury with a confused version of what happened.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 20:00:15 +0000

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