Stacey Zwernemann, As the owner of the Thompson Junior High - TopicsExpress


Stacey Zwernemann, As the owner of the Thompson Junior High School Alumni group, I removed your request for contributions to go to a fertility specialist from my group. Yes, I remember you from Lincroft School, and Thompson/South to some extent. I have been “blessed” with an exceptional memory and I just wanted to let you know the reasons I deleted your post. It was not because; I did not particularly like you, when I accepted you into the group I looked beyond that. However, I found the posting highly inappropriate for a group devoted to Thompson memories and photographs. Since you aired your personal life on a FB video (and yes, I watched all 6+ minutes of it) and also on my group. https://facebook/photo.php?v=264081580426477&set=vb.100004739107317&type=2&theater I do not find it inappropriate on my part to publicly question your decision to have another child. Even if you get pregnant tomorrow at age 49, when that child graduates from high school, you in round numbers will be 70 years old. Don’t you think that’s too old to have a child, with all the health risks for the child and I suppose yourself? As your husband mentioned in your video there are 7+ billion people in the world, must you bring another innocent child into an already over-populated world (particularly if there is an elevated risk of it being “special needs”). If you are unable to get pregnant have you ever thought that maybe it is God’s way of telling you “no more’! You brought God into the subject so why shouldnt I. Moreover, if you can’t afford the fertility specialist, how will you afford to shelter, feed and educate this child? In the popular press, it is estimated that it costs over $240,000 to raise a child to age 18, this DOES NOT include college! An in-state rate at a state college costs around another $100,000 for a bachelor’s degree. So figure when all is said and done, your “little bundle of joy” costs nearly half-a-million dollars, to unleash on the world with a graduate degree and this is when staying on a budget! If you absolutely must have another child, why not consider adoption. There are many children literally dying for a loving family to adopt them. Also you don’t need to go to the Ukraine or Kazakhstan there are many children in the USA begging to be adopted. I volunteered working with “foster children” and there was a sad but true mantra among the staff, “children are highly adoptable, as long they are young, healthy and White.” Why not adopt a child that is older, special needs or a minority. For what it’s worth, this is my opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 22:37:00 +0000

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