Stalker update: Please share so we can expose these people. The - TopicsExpress


Stalker update: Please share so we can expose these people. The stalker is actually two people. They are both inciting others to harass me as well. The first is a very bitter angry guitar player from Phoenix named Dan Griffin. He has been holding some grudge for years thinking I owe him money. He has been going around town telling people Im threatening to kill them! LOL. He even put it in writing in a series of attacks through Facebook PMs the very day of this video of him assaulting me. He is delusional. In October he was posting lies about me on other peoples pages. I confronted him through a letter and instead of apologizing for his lies, he was a coward and brought the other stalkers husband to confront me at the El Con club where he verbally assaulted me in a room full of people including children, flipped me the bird and called me host of insulting things. Please see video. The other stalker is a singer named Gigi Burton. She has been a problem for years. She was a student of mine in dance who begged me to perform Jazz. I gave her a shot and she was completely unprepared and not professional in the least. All of the musicians said not to have her perform again and she took that out on me by trying to hurt me in the music community. She has sought out and became friends with an unstable mentally ill woman who I had the great misfortune of dating for a short time named Kate Rosalik (who is a diagnosed Borderline) (Kate Tango is her other profile on facebook) so she could get info to use against me. Kate has been all too thrilled to fill this womans head full of lies and false information about my past to use against me. She was the one who ran up to Gavi and took the gig after I left. Countless musicians joined in on the act to get a gig at Gavi. It became a big haters coffee clutch up there. She has been slandering me to every musician who came there to play and has been actively trying to poach the players that are my friends and who I play with. Her husband, Michael Burton came with Dan Griffin to El Con the night of that video and pretended to want peace sticking out his hand as if to shake hands but spit in my face and ran like a little girl. We went to court for this as these clowns actually tried to levy charges against me. The judge threw their claims out of court and warned them to stay away from me. Since this they have been harassing and stalking me through the internet and inciting strangers to send me nasty messages and threats. Now she is posting lies about me on her page saying I am harassing her. These two pathetic posers have been actively trying to sabotage my jobs and turn countless musicians and fans against me. They seem to come out of the wood work every time I have some big concert or press event. They think by hurting me it gives them credibility with a small group of haters in the music community. These two are vile, awful liars and complete amateurs as far as being musicians. They are jealous of my success and are doing everything they can to get other unstable people to harass me as well. Many fake profiles and messages have been popping up attacking my musicianship and character. They have both been reported to the police and I am filing restraining orders against them. Beware of these two unstable people. They think being vicious and lying about someone who is doing great things for the community and our music is going to get them ahead. They are sadly mistaken. But as always there are complete strangers on-line that buy into this and act without any knowledge of the truth. The stalkers are actually several people but the cause is Gigi Burton and Dan Griffin. The lies she is posting on her page are just that, lies. She is a narcissist who thrives on attention. Dan is completely unstable, probably has an anti-social disorder and is dangerous as well. I will not let these two bitter, jealous losers derail my momentum or good works in the community. Beware of these two and dont buy into their lies. Please share this info and video so we can expose these vile clowns and get them off our music scene. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:19:45 +0000

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