Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and - TopicsExpress


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:14-15). To be an efective witness for Christ,u must be courageous, wt d boldness of d Spirit, in increasin measure. It brings to mind d charge d Lord gave Joshua as He prepared to lead d children of Israel to their promised land. He said to Him, "Only be thou strong and very courageous…" (Joshua 1:7). Courage is d ability to face danger & oposition fearlessly. So bein courageous 4d Gospel mins bein wilin & redy to do what’s right & necesary 4 d propagation of d Gospel, in spite of opposition. What’s needed in d ministry of the Gospel today are men & women of courage; courage to affirm faith in Christ, no matter the adversity. The Lord Jesus, the apostles & d early Church stood their grounds 4d Gospel in spite of opositions. They withstood kings & despots of their time; nothing could intimidate them. Let ds courage & passion spur u on to minister life, strengthen others, & bring them into God’s light tru d gospel. We’ve been ordained of God to preach d unsearchable riches of Christ; we’re to tell d untold abt Jesus reach the unreached. It’s a task for everyone who is in Christ. You av all it takes wt d Holy Spirit insde u; d4, be wilin to do anythin dat’s right. Oh! U dnt av to stand in d streets, buses, etc. It may b by u simply telin d people in ur litle coner; famly. frenz. coligs .etc dt Jesus luvs nd died 4dem tru ur words.actions and character. And u wi b surpsed au much impact uv av mde wen d masters gvs d incris. !!! Rejoice cos hens4t, u ar winin ur world 4Christ. Great moni!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 05:06:53 +0000

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