Stand up for your kids futures !!! Terrorism is an Islamic - TopicsExpress


Stand up for your kids futures !!! Terrorism is an Islamic trademark , whether you admit it or not, whether you accept it or not, whether you believe it or not....You cant escape from the truth, because all records and statistics prove it....Islam has 100 time more blood on its face than any other religion or ideology on earth...Deny it as you want, accuse as you want, insult as you want, refuse it as you want, it is the truth. Because its unpalatable we cant whitewash is what it is. Islam is growing by leaps and bounds and if we do not stand up for our values, freedoms, heritage and culture it WILL dominate. Its a good thing we didnt choose to hide our heads in the sand when another ideology tried to dominate the world....we would all be marching to a different drummer. Our culture has evolved over the span of thousands of it less valued or less legitimate ? why do we stifle our culture to accommodate another ?....because it offends THEM ?....why are WE not offended by THEIR intolerance to us?....This Christmas shout Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah whatever cultural greeting that you feel like expressing...because it is an INCLUSIVE society for ALL people....INCLUSIVE does not go only one way !! I for one will have my Nativity scene on my front lawn.... and will openly express myself, as is my right.....and I will defend all that chooses to do the same.....all you politically correct androids can continue down your generic path. my rant over for the day. dawn.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:38:04 +0000

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