#StandUpAustralia © 2014 sumthink In Australia there is a - TopicsExpress


#StandUpAustralia © 2014 sumthink In Australia there is a suicide every three to four hours. An attempt every eight minutes. Seven Australians will take their own lives today. For men and women aged between 15 and 44, it’s the leading cause of death in this country. And the numbers are rising. The #StandUpAustralia Campaign is being launched to recognise, raise awareness and achieve substantial funding to the equivalent of the TAC ads. There were a total of, 1193 Road Fatalities in 2013. 2535 Australian lives ARE lost to suicide each year. Over the past 10 years, suicides increased nationally from 2214 to 2535. (There were 22,526 suicide deaths registered in Australia over the 10 years between 2001 and 2010.) In 2012, suicide was responsible for the deaths of at least 14 Australians aged under the age of 15. Suicide deaths for women between 15 and 24 have more than doubled in 10 years. While deaths among women between the ages of 80 and 84 have jumped 500 per cent. Lifeline answered more than 700,000 calls for help, in the past 12 months. September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. So what can you do? Lets send a message to Canberra that, seven Australians will take their own lives today. It’s time we Stand Up, to end the silence. Everyone has posted a selfie or two at one time or another. All we are asking is for you to post a Selfie, or Video with the hastag #StandUpAustralia - then nominate a mate. I nominate the Hon Peter Dutton, Minister for Health. WE need to create an Organisation like the successful TAC. Whether it is the Australian Suicide Prevention Program Nationally (ASPP), or if we have to go it alone in Victoria, with the Victorian Suicide Prevention Program (VSPP). Our Slogan is “IF YOU WANT A WAY OUT, TALK TO US” © 2014 sumthink Will you, #StandUpAustralia? https://facebook/sumthink https://sumthink.au For More About #StandUpAustralia Contact Christos Harisopoulos [email protected] or (+61) 0419 398 827 For help with emotional difficulties, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or lifeline.org.au For help with depression, contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 or at beyondblue.org.au The SANE Helpline is 1800 18 SANE (7263) or at sane.org suicideline.org.au suicidepreventionaust.org suicideprevention.au PS Forgive me for stumbling, I only did one live take without editing and please ignore the way I look. After all it is only the cause and message that counts. #StandUpAustralia sumthink Australia Matters!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:18:26 +0000

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