Standard: Pnoy Threatens SC; Star : Noy Challenges SC Decision on - TopicsExpress


Standard: Pnoy Threatens SC; Star : Noy Challenges SC Decision on DAP ; Tribune : Aquino Threatens, Defies SC, Insists DAP Is Good ... Here we can see Pnoys crazy mind. He is now challenging and threatening the SC. He claims he is right and the SC is wrong. But didnt his own appointees vote against him ? Its 13-0. All were in accord that DAP is unconstitutional. Yet , he claims the SC is wrong and that he s right. He even dared to threaten the SC. He said we dont want a point to be reached where two branches of government will collide , as a result of the SCs decision on DAP. MR President have u forgotten that there are three branches of government ? The Legislature makes the law, the Executive executes the law , and the Judiciary interprets the Law . Clearly, u are out of bounds here. Its the SCs interpretation that counts, not yours. Besides, not even your futile interpretation of you having authority to transfer funds can save you because the administrative code can never supersede the organic law of the land , which is the Constitution.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:30:58 +0000

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