Standing at the Threshold of Heaven …Part 21…A MARKER, NOW - TopicsExpress


Standing at the Threshold of Heaven …Part 21…A MARKER, NOW …Time Warp As I write it is the present. I must make that clear because this is about time. Time stands still, time is lost, no time, the past is the present and on and on. I have had to stop in the middle of the linear time concept I was doing with my blog because a huge MARKER dropped in the middle of writing my blog. There is nothing linear about it. After my last post I was snatched out of time and thrown back to the past, in the present. And this writing is about experiences with the other side…hence “Standing at the Threshold of Heaven.” Let me explain. I posted my Blog Part 20. For those who have not read it yet please stop at this point now and go do it….we will wait. (Ha) It tells the story of my friend and I looking at a photo of her mother, who had passed away. Before our very eyes she moved and mouthed some words. It changed my life, this experience. So I posted the story. After rereading it and deciding not to change some typos I then moved on to checking my personal page. I went to my wall and scrolled down. There was not much of interest to me. Then I saw it. I plain photo of actress Tilda Swinton, obviously in some role as a Queen or some such lady of the past. But over the photo it said, “What is wrong with this picture…when you see it you will freak out. “ It was a small photo. To look closer I clicked on the photo and it came up larger. I sat just trying to find the mistake or what was wrong with it. She is looking away from the camera. THEN…all of a sudden she turns and looks directly at you. JUST LIKE MY FRIENDS MOTHER HAD DONE IN HER PHOTO. Once again I was shocked and stunned. Surprised by the trick of technology but then the awareness hit me. This felt just like what I wrote about only 3 minutes earlier. I was confused and thought I was nuts. How did this just happen? It was as if my writing the blog took me back to the past. I felt just as I did I that day in my friend’s house. But this time it was a trick of technology. This time it was about timing. It left me feeling as if her mother was here again. She knew I wrote about her in the blog and this photo appears in minutes after it is on line, to shock and surprise me again. She was saying HELLO! I showed my friend…she too could not get over the series of events and how it all happened. We both concluded her mother is still up to her old trick. I think she loved that I told you all about her and wanted to once again give us a thrill. They are alive and watch every move we make. I am almost hesitating to post this one… (look below...I am posting this photo of Tilda again so you get the full impact…imagine this was a real movement made by a spirit and not just a trick of video)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:32:22 +0000

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