Standing back and looking at things objectively (probably - TopicsExpress


Standing back and looking at things objectively (probably impossible when it comes to Israel) I see no reason at this point in history to have an ethnically pure Jewish state. Jews are not persecuted or in danger. Hitler is dead. If Israel insists on behaving like a psychotic killer with carte blanche from the USA and, to a slightly lesser extent, the EU, then they can be sure people will start hating the Jews again--when its ultra-Zionists they should blame. The pro-Israel groups and lobbies in America are becoming criminal gangs who buy congress, vet anyone being appointed to foreign service positions that they dont like, muzzle any criticism of Israel and unconditional US support for Israel, in academe and in the media, make a mockery of International Law, kill with impunity, spy on and steal tech secrets from the US, and bully anyone who raises questions about this system. Jews can live anywhere in the world. Palestinians are pressed to the wall, buried under rubble, murdered by the thousands, besieged, and imprisoned. But the power of the Zionist narrative is such that we are not allowed to question Israels immoral and illegal behavior, and worse: we are persuaded to view Palestinians as evil and inhuman. What a con! Israel is now a narcisstic personality disorder writ large. US policy—overt and unspoken—is to enable these excesses. Im sick as hell of watching people who can and should put limits on Israel sitting on their hands, biting their tongues, special pleading, and shutting their eyes, ears, and hearts to what is happening in Gaza because they fear the bullying and hounding they will endure from the Zionist Lobby here. We need to let Israel know that there are limits. That they are not the only people on this planet. If not, Jewish communities might in future end up being hated and persecuted for the actions of what amounts to a small percentage of Jews. That would be ironic. And tragic. Enough is enough. Are we going to go through these monstrous attacks on besieged communities every 2 or 3 years because of Israels unending security needs? People are not buying this bullshit any more. American Jews are speaking out. US officialdom also looks frustratred. We got a glimpse of Secy. Kerrys anger at Bibi in that hot mic incident last week. Im sick of funding this monstrous behavior. Im sick of people telling me just between us how horrified they are at Israels behavior and America’s obsequiousness, but they dare not say it publicly. Time to speak out. The most shocking thing someone said to me recently was “yes! Israel should be put on trial for war crimes, but you should be savvy enough to know you should never walk through a Jewish neighborhood eating a ham sandwich! So, I said, Washington DC is a Jewish neighborhood in this analogy? He just smiled and shrugged. This attitude is not good for the Jews.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:34:05 +0000

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