Stanley Kubrick was born in the Bronx district of New York, into a - TopicsExpress


Stanley Kubrick was born in the Bronx district of New York, into a family with Jewish ancestry. As a child, Stanley was considered intelligent, but he did not achieve particularly high grades at school. His father, Jack, who worked as a doctor in New York, was concerned to find a remedy for his son’s poor academic performance, so in 1940 he sent him to stay with his uncle in California, hoping that a change of scene would help to improve Stanley’s grades. Stanley returned to New York in 1941 but his grades remained as mediocre as ever. He was very interested in music, however and developed a passion for jazz drumming. In desperation, his father taught him to play chess, hoping that this would stimulate him mentally and spur him on to greater intellectual achievement. His dad was right - Stanley took to chess with gusto and soon became an accomplished player. He even played chess for money at the Marshal and Manhattan clubs and in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. Kubrick graduated from William Taft High School in 1946 but was unable to get into college because his grades were so low. His father then hit upon the idea of giving Stanley a camera for his birthday, which led indirectly to his son’s discovering his future destiny as a film director. Stanley soon developed a passion for photography and began taking trips all over New York in order to take photographs, which he then developed in a friend’s darkroom. Whilst he was still a teenager, Stanley succeeded in selling an unsolicited photograph to “Look” magazine. At the age of 17, he landed a job as a staff photographer at “Look” magazine and spent the next few years traveling throughout the United States working on photographic assignments ..:
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:37:46 +0000

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