Star Seeds on Planet Earth The word Star Seeds means the people - TopicsExpress


Star Seeds on Planet Earth The word Star Seeds means the people among us on the Earth, whose real origination is from other planets, stars or galaxies. Star Seeds are highly developed beings on the other planets, stars or galaxies. They have been taking birth on the Earth as physical forms from the Atlantis civilization era as their tasks are to support the planet Earth and the people on the earth for spiritual evolution. Star seeds incarnate on the earth with the circumstances of powerlessness and forgetting about their past lives including their tasks to do on the Earth. Their genes are designed to switch the awareness in the right time. Awareness or awakening can be tender and eventual or histrionic and sharp. In any of these situations, there consciousness get restored which leads them to work for their tasks. Star seeds can overcome the bounded behavior of human beings like anxiety, fear etc., in less number of incarnations compared to the Human souls. Delegation of Star Seeds: Star seeds were picked on beings and volunteered beings from the other planets, stars, galaxies to take birth on the earth, as their responsibility is very hard to be done in our dimension. Because there was a danger to lose their memories about the origin and the connection with the Universal consciousness. Even though Star seeds are very much less percentage compared to the Human Souls(Souls who originated on the Earth) population of the Earth, their purpose is divine and different. After taking birth on the earth, first of all they have to experience the human life and strive to remember their origin. Once they realize that, they automatically get attracted to the transformation and get connected to the Universal consciousness. Then they start to assist advanced or enlightened Earth souls to ground Light to the Mother Earth. Star seeds have come to the earth to interpose the Divine higher dimensional frequencies to our physical world. Our planet loses its energy without the Divine interpose. They furnish the link between the Galactic Federation and the Self power. They practice meditation and concentrate on the typical events for the benefit of all. General characteristics of Star Seeds : • They always get attracted and have intensive like towards spirituality. • Their progression in the Spirituality will be very quick. • They give strong importance to the feeling Love and believe that everything exists because of love. They get frustrated at others as they expect others to be the same. • A feeling or belief that they do not belong to the Earth. • They usually get attracted towards Mysteries, Aliens and Science Fiction. • They are sensitive, creative and generous. • They have issues or challenges in life. • They may have dreams or memories of the places which does not belong to the Earth. • They believe that they get guidance in any other form whenever there is a need. • They have attractive and obligating eyes. • They always have a burning desire to know and understand the purpose of their lives. Some of the types of Star Seeds and their characteristics are listed below : Vega: • They are self satisfied, independent, egoistic and brave. • They appear to be very much capable and confident. • They are interested in many and different areas. So that, they cannot involve completely in their areas of interests. • They are mulch-talented, creative and also can express their capabilities intellectually. • Their work with technology will be different from others as it depends on their individual interest. • They start tasks wonderfully but end in completely. • Self discipline and willpower are the challenging lessons or karma waiting for them to be learned. Because they surrender themselves to the others who help, assist or guide them in the completion of their tasks. • They love traveling. • They are at their best in challenges and understanding the queries raised within. • They always try to understand the things of their interest and do not know. • They should learn to accept the changes. • They feel very much responsible to take care of the children, to the people who are ill and also in the social service. They may face situations to be over responsible. • They should understand and develop the feeling of integrity with others. • They are very much friendly in understanding others. • They love spending time alone and like to be free. • They should be cautious about their relationships as they will be focusing on the areas of their interests. Sirius: • They should concentrate, be determined on whatever path they are. • They do not get convinced to the new ways easily. But once they are so, no one can stop them. • They are ideal people with strong belief systems and can mingle easily with others. • They their own nature from others and get disappointed because of this. It is very much essential for them to overcome this. • They do not share their personal issues, feelings with others freely. And they opt friends after understanding their in and out carefully. It is very much essential for them to overcome this. • They always concentrate on future and hate to recollect the past and also oppose others when they are forced to recollect it. • They do not like challenges but in the case of being forced, protect themselves with their belief system. • Situations to release past hurt, forgiving self and others will be awaiting for them as karma to be learned. • They considered to be in the utopian world by some people. • Sometime they appear to be absent mind state because of their inner activities. • Even though they appear to be reserved outside, they are very much active inside. • They can have intensive communication with the Earth and the Nature. Pvila: • They always like to be the center of attraction. • They have a nice sense of humor. They not even consider others feelings to produce humor but they do not do intentionally. So it is very much essential for them to learn gentle behavior with others. • They always leave an impression to others that they are stubborn as they always be surrounded with an aura of power. It may cause difficult to others to coordinate with them. So they should learn to have smooth conversations with others. • It is better for the others to look for their inner nature. So that they can find them kind, caring and helpful to the friends. Others can also find them as a true friend and overlook the imperfections of their friends. But once others are not considered as friends by them, they judge or stamp negatives quickly. • They should learn to overcome ego as it will be a main disaster for personal relationships. • They always like to understand everything, collect information and share with others. • They can remember everything as it is. • They can build intellect on many and different subjects and expect same from others. • They are dynamic people and may appear as focus less to the others. Pleiades: • They are kind, loving and sensitive. • They have a strong desire for others happiness and bliss. • They always like to be happy. • Others enjoy their company as they always carry smooth energy. • They struggle a lot and sacrifice personal needs, because of their desire to please others which leads to inner bitterness. • They cannot tolerate criticism. • Instead of expressing open anger, be passively aggressive with others. Without giving scope for arguments. • They should make others realize their own feelings, needs and desires. • As they unconsciously absorb others emotions, they become sick so easily when there are negative emotional situations around them. Further it forms like a blockage. Primarily they should learn how to allow others to experience and learn lessons on their own. • They should learn to concentrate on their happiness instead of focusing on others. • They should work on confidence and communication skills in the physical level. • Usually they feel that their thoughts are useless. • They get relief by crying. • They can feel the higher energies even at odd times and understand that everything is for good. • Once they begin to learn, growth starts automatically. Orion: • They are often identified by their queries as they always have strong zeal to know the reasons and the hidden meanings. Because of this, they often examine the people and the situations which leads to get the feeling of inspection for the others. The reason is their main level of focus will be in mind. • They expect that their point of view should be respected from the others. It is very much essential for them to learn to overcome this as everyone do have their own opinions. • As their main focus will be on mind level, before they believe in something, they always need the things to be proved. • They always like to be Ms or Mr Perfect and expect the same from the others. It may be like a personal criticism for those who are not habituated to them. They should overcome from this. • They cannot tolerate and accept imbalance in their self or in others. They always try to correct it as they may get unhealthy or mentally ill because of this. They will be at their best in the balanced flow of energy and beauty. • Their reactions to the emotional events will be intellectual as it is very much important for them to know the reason and understand before they accept anything. But it does not mean that they do not care for the others. So it is very much important for the constructive communication with the Orions. Otherwise there is a chance that, they suppress their emotions. • Sufficient privacy is required for them to rejuvenate and balance the self. • They love to produce humor and also can turn up critically all of the sudden. • It will be very much challenging for them to reach their consciousness to the Universal consciousness as their main focus will be at mind level. Maldeck: • They are stable and strong. • They love to be in comfort zone and it causes difficult for them to accept or understand new belief system. • They express and do have leadership capabilities. • They are very much intelligent and always understand the things from the core. It is not easy for the others to convince them with a simple explanation. • They know a persons in and out to accept him or her as a friend. Once they accept, they love their friends to the maximum level but expect the same from the others. • They love to know about mysteries like astronomy etc., and to face challenges. • They will be the true companion to their partner and support them a lot. Arcturus: • They are always strong from within. • They like to be spiritual from childhood. If it is not done so, they strongly get disappointed. • They are very much creative in nature. • They love to produce humor and make others laugh. • They love traveling. • They often get bored. Due to this reason, they do something to grab others attention. • They do not like to maintain close relationship with others. They always be casual with others. • Most often unknown people get attracted to them as they are strong and complete within the self. • They are at their best to advise others. Usually they do not have or involved in any issues. But they cannot tolerate when others do not follow their advice once they are given. • They are the most active people. • They are good in relationships which can let them be free. • They can freely express their anger and humor but cannot in the case of emotions. Apollonia: • They have a deep interest in talking. • They love to be multi talented throughout their lifetime. • They cannot stick to one identity. They react abruptly when others try to restrict them regarding identity. Otherwise, they the most calm people. • They like to be independent even in the emotional needs. It is very much essential for them to be aware to enjoy human life as well. • Many of these people work as healers. • They often help the people who are in need. No matter what it is. • They always enjoy being different from others. Andromeda: • They love freedom and finally find the real freedom within. • They should learn to love and develop self confidence. • They realize their desire to become teachers or healers. • They like to experience everything and many realities. • They do not like routine and excitement less activities. • They love adventurous travel. • They are self critical and think the same regarding others. • They have very good at communication skills. • There may be something inside them and show up something else to the outside world. • Usually they are ignored by their relations. But they have the capability to restore it. - See more at: ultimatetruthofself/higher-consciousness/types-of-star-seeds-and-their-characteristics#sthash.BiC38zOW.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:13:46 +0000

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