Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3….Meh! And that’s all that - TopicsExpress


Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3….Meh! And that’s all that can be said. Meh! Well ok, maybe there’s a little bite more to say. Basically what I’m trying to say is that I’m three seasons in and I’m still not very impressed. At the point, I just don’t care anymore. I don’t care what sort of adventures await our heroes because it’s almost always gonna be like a bad Saturday morning cartoon (Good guys and Bad guys fight in a space related conflict, Good guys are almost always sure to win and learn a valuable lesson in friendship or something) and I don’t care what happens to the characters because a. They’re all so incredibly dull and uninteresting (ex. Obi-Wan: 1% Compassion, 99% snarky comments) or b. I already know what’s gonna happen to them. The Jedi are all killed off, The Republic becomes the Empire, Anakin becomes Darth Vader, Ewan McGregor becomes Alan Guinness, Dogs and Cat’s living together: Mass hysteria! At this point I’m only watching this show because 1. I want to say that I watched every episode Star Wars: The Schlock Wars and 2. To see what becomes of Ahsoka Tano, Anakin’s young Padawan. Does she live? Does she die? Does she become space Jesus? What?! So yeah! The show still looks great and there are some pretty entertaining battles, but it’s all style and no substance. Only one arc really had my attention. In a two part episode, Ahsoka gets captured by a party of Trandoshans (a race of large lizard men that probably evolved from velociraptors. They even call for help in a similar manner) and is then taken to an island to be hunted down for sport (Sort of like “The Most Deadliest Game”, but with Dinosaur men). I enjoy this episode not because of any good character interactions or because it has Chewbacca in it (Yeah Chewbacca! It’s awesome because he was in the original trilogy), but rather it’s one of the few times in the show where a species’ culture is explored rather than just placed in the background. The Trandoshans are one of my favorite races in Star Wars and to see their culture touched upon with almost perfect accuracy brings warmth to my cold and ancient bones (Wait! What?). They even bring up the rivalry between Trandoshans and Wookiees! How cool is that? Not a great two episodes, but considering what I had to watch this season, they’re definitely a warm welcome. Overall, this season is just very meh like the rest of the series so far. I’m not even gonna give it a score cuz it would just be the same score I gave the other two seasons. Plus, I’ve gotta come up with a better score system. Wish me luck as I continue to travel into the madness that is Lucas. P.S. The Separatists are still EVIL! P.S.S. Stop making episodes with Grievous in them! You’ve already tarnished him in three seasons! Just spare us from anymore disappointment!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 19:25:55 +0000

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