Star Wars fans: This is a question for Star Wars fans. IMO, Star - TopicsExpress


Star Wars fans: This is a question for Star Wars fans. IMO, Star Wars and Star Trek have always been the most fan friendly movie franchises. Ever since the first Trek Convention ( I think in 72?). Then Star Wars eventually went the same way. You had your favorite characters from the movies and if you were able to attend a convention near you or traveled to one, you could actually meet them. The majority of the cast is always at a convention somewhere. Of course with SW there are exceptions that you won’t see at a con (Ford, James Earl Jones) but the many far outweigh the few. One of my favorite things was getting autographs from the cast as well as meeting them. But recently with certain casting, that is pretty much impossible. I hate that I’m going to bring them up because I simply cannot stand the prequels. I know some people love them (for some reason I just don’t understand). Let’s take The Phantom Menace. Say someone has a poster of TPM and they want it signed by the cast. Now any autograph collector knows that getting a complete cast signed anything takes a lot of work and money. You get the minor cast, R2-D2, C3-PO, and maybe even the worst character in the franchise Jar Jar. But you want the main cast. Now with the original trilogy, you could get Luke, Leia, C3PO, R2D2, Chewbacca, & Vadar (Guy not Voice) with no problem. You can get so many it gets kind of ridicules. Try that with TPM. Do you think you could get Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, or Samuel Jackson on the same thing? Not real likely for the average fan. So as a fan and an autograph collector, would you prefer the “new” Star Wars to have regular actors that you could possibly meet one day at a convention? Or big Hollywood names that are only there to bring more people in to watch the movie? I’m curious of your opinion on the matter. Not that anything like that could happen. Because we all know that bottom line is about making as much money as possible. Just what do you want to see?
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:23:45 +0000

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