Star of David on Nigerian currency as far back as 1959 However - TopicsExpress


Star of David on Nigerian currency as far back as 1959 However according to the Muslims, putting the Jewish symbol on the new N100 falls short of international standard as currencies worldwide are designed to suit each nation’s culture and history. Where does the Jewish symbol fit in? Which Nigerian community speaks the Jewish language? The insertion of the Jewish symbol is therefore clannish and parochial. It is tainted with undisguised religious fanaticism. There is nothing wrong for our president to like Israel as a nation but it is another thing entirely to openly and brazenly promote Zionism at the highest office in this country when we are still struggling with the last vestiges of colonialism. Nigerian Muslims are becoming increasingly suspicious and very uncomfortable with the actions and inactions of President Jonathan. The question to ask MURIC is so it is good to have Arabic symbol on the naira note but not a hebrew symbol. What connection does Arabic symbol have with non Muslims in Nigeria. Christians have close ties to Jerusalem the same way Muslims have to Mecca. This is not to mention the cultural ties between Igbos and Hebrews. Some archeological dating tests suggest Igbos have occupied Nigeria as early as 3,000 BCE. Radio carbon dating of the objects suggests that Igbos occupied Nigeria before 800 CE. Evidence abound suggesting strong ties between the Hebrews and Igbos. This impunity and arrogance of the Muslims is becoming unbearable. A statement from Professor Ishaq Akintola, Director, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), outlined all the issues the Muslims have against Jonathan. Firstly, in spite of the preponderance of Muslims in the South West, he appointed no single Muslim as minister in the whole region for almost four years. Secondly, he marginalized Muslims in the deliberations which took place in the National Conference by appointing a meager 189 Muslims as against 303 Christians. What kind of leader pursues such gross imbalance in his policies by giving a higher number of delegates to a minority group? How can deliberations of such a conference receive popular acceptance? Thirdly, Mr. President saturated the security system in Aso Rock with Israeli security operatives, a nation well known for its animosity towards Muslims. The supplanting of Arabic language with Jewish symbol is the fourth among Jonathan’s anti-Muslim policies. The above are daring, divisive, reckless and highly provocative steps. They get Nigerians wondering where President Jonathan is taking this country. But if once is happenstance, if twice is a coincidence and if the third time is enemy action, what do we call the fourth time? We are sick and tired of our president’s hatred for us. He openly confronts Muslims and goads us to challenge him. But we will not be provoked. Neither shall we be intimidated by executive maladministration. As apostles of dialogue and advocates of peaceful coexistence, as tax-payers, voters and citizens of this country, we hereby ask President Jonathan to explain the Jewish symbol on Nigeria’s money. We also demand to know why the presidency could not employ security experts from neutral countries like Britain or France instead of Israel which is a sworn enemy of Muslims. Mr. President may also deem it fit to tell us if there is no correlation between the Israeli security experts in Aso Rock, the Israeli caught with Nigeria’s N9.3m arms money in South Africa and the Jewish symbol on the new N100 note. Mr. President sir, are you not gradually selling Nigeria to Israel? And are you sure this will not attract the wrath of Israel’s enemies to our dear country? Can this also be partly responsible for the viciousness of the Boko Haram phenomenon? MURIC appeals to Muslims nationwide to await President Jonathan’s response to the above questions and to remain calm and law abiding. Islam teaches tolerance (Qur’an 3:134) and obedience to constituted authority (Qur’an 4:59). We must also eschew violence as stipulated in Qur’an 2:190. Instead of using illegal and unconstitutional means, we charge Muslims to explore every opportunity offered by the Nigerian constitution and the Nigerian democratic process to protest against Jonathan’s oppression of Nigerian Muslims. Tyrants can be taught lessons of their lives in times of elections. MURIC forgets to add that everything Christian and non Muslim are doing today is reactionary. The aggressors are the Muslims. Jonathan is using Isreali security experts to gurad himself because Nigerian security forces are filled with Muslims who want him dead. Otherwise Jonathan would have been a dead man. The Muslims are the ones who registered Nigeria as a member of the Organisation of Islamic Country, disregarding the feelings of teeming Christian and non Muslim population. The Muslims are the ones persecuting and killing Christians. Christians are merely reacting to the schemes of Muslims in order to survive.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:03:35 +0000

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