[Starcodes] for the Week of July 18th-July 24th 2014 An - TopicsExpress


[Starcodes] for the Week of July 18th-July 24th 2014 An Astrological Map To Help You Navigate The Week Family matters and domestic issues move to the front burner as emotional Venus enters clannish Cancer. If we’re not dealing with our family directly, we can feel old family patterns echoing around us and get to do another layer of personal homework. We need to nurture and cultivate our personal garden this week, but we can’t just stay at home or return to a spiritual homeland (much as we may like to).. Industrious Saturn turns direct after several months retrograde, just as iconoclastic Uranus turns retrograde, and encourages us to get back to work on some project, organizational system, or structural repairs that we’ve put off for a while. Begin to build– even if it’s just a sandcastle. With work pulling us one way and interpersonal dynamics pulling us another, we can get a little touchy and defensive if anyone implies we’re not up to the job under Venus, Mercury and the Sun in self-protective Cancer. We’re also unusually protective of our boundaries, both personally and politically, and will react intensely if those feel crossed. Respect boundaries and use a light hand with criticism. Some people who think of themselves as authorities may feel they have to control or boss, but our rebellious edges are showing as Uranus stations retrograde, and that would be counter-productive. Keep an eye on authoritarian/rebellion dynamics around the world. In our own lives we can make a different choice and contemplate elements of leadership; clarify and share a vision and lead by example instead of micro-manage one another. If someone around us is trying to pull rank and control the flow, we have compassion for their anxiety and call them to a different dynamic, rather than just tell them off. Though we may have to go there before they let go. This weekend, is intuitive, creative if also spacy and interpersonally guarded as Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. It helps to splash about in water and stay hydrated. Notice the subtle signals, tap into the still quiet within, and give the mind room to tap in to bigger, open ended questions. The clouds darken and moods deepen early next week as mental Mercury opposes profound but broody Pluto. While this feeds our research and helps us dive into our work or our inner realms, we can go too deep, or get washed up on the shores of self-doubt with this aspect. We may have some tough news to integrate. If we feel unusually lonely or unheard, it helps to remember that others may feel the same way, and reach out to connect below the words, with quiet presence. There may be some loss of item or person, a whisper in the headlines that reminds us of the ephemeral quality of life. We can tap into some old or deeper, global grief. If so, let the feelings flow rather than perseverate on the problems. It can be discouraging to feel we’re back at an old stuck place, but we’re now in a different ring of that spiral. Notice the differences this time; in those differences are the seeds of hope. A depressing failure of imagination early in the week can shift into sparkling romantic possibilities and romance later in the week as creative Venus trines imaginative Neptune and the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Leo. We can break out of the old tape and try a different, more generous approach. Everything gets a bit more dramatic, parties are more celebratory, conflicts more Shakespearean, and performance art scintillates. Our private self grows more private and our public self grows more gregarious. Friday, July 18: We may feel in a hurry or pressured for time this restless morning as the feisty Aries Moon conjuncts Uranus, but will find that if we rush, we’re delayed by retakes. Pacing matters. It may be hard to get started, but get into the groove and action flows. Midday, our feelings sensitize, but not our tact, as Venus enters Cancer. Defenses can bristle tonight as the Moon opposes Mars, but it’s hard to be honest about our vulnerability. Don’t confront others, try to redirect, and intuit the real issue. Take a break and look for a playful streak. Watch for a conflict of interest later tonight and sidestep the charge. Saturday, July 19: Listen to messages from dreamtime this morning; intuition and imagination are a deep pool to draw from as Mercury trines Neptune. The Taurus Moon calls us back to our bodies and brings a lazy streak; slow and steady efforts further, with many stops along the way to appreciate summer as the Moon textiles Venus, Neptune, and Mercury. The vibe is stubborn but gentle, delicious, if a bit cautious; prioritize connection over efficiency. Sunday, July 20: Deep internal quiet helps this morning, a chance to feel the structure s shift, and feel connections within the soul. Some new understanding can crystalize if we listen with subtlety as the Moon trines Pluto, opposes Saturn, and Saturn turns direct. Respect for elders and wise voices furthers, but don’t let people tweak our chains with their efforts to crack down or control in response to ambition or stress. Look for major confrontations on the political level, and choose otherwise at home. Monday, July 21: Give people a moment to collect themselves this morning, don’t push or rush, instead organize and get the lay of the land. Midday the pace picks up and people are more communicative, if somewhat guarded in their tender places. Be tactful and open. Start cross-pollinating ideas; catch up on a backlog of communications as the Moon enters verbal Gemini midday. It may be time to turn around and face a person, problem or conflict that we’ve been avoiding. Tuesday, July 22: Lost things are found, clues surface, and problems are uncovered. The work can look grim this morning as Mercury opposes Pluto; we get serious, and can see the problem, but need to take our doubts and concerns with a grain of salt. Some decision to cut bait and move on may be necessary, but don’t jump the gun; make sure it is the best option first. Watch a tendency to push or manipulate when worried. If depressed voices whisper within, listen, but don’t let them run the show. If a friend is depressed, say little and listen. Talking, listening, and writing; it helps to tell our story, Wednesday, July 23: Communication is interrupted, staccato, but begins to shift yesterday’s problems. Ingenuity and a dark sense of humor work in short bursts. Stay open; sound bites and quick interactions are surprisingly meaningful as the Gemini Moon trines Mars. Evening brings us more to ourselves as our attention turns within when the Moon enters Cancer. We need some time in our shell. Thursday, July 24: The mood is intuitive, imaginative, but laced with some boundary issues; we can forget where we end and they begin (both people and countries) and argue about it as Venus and the Moon trine Neptune and Mercury squares Uranus. Our thinking can be erratic with brilliant streaks and a short attention span, reactive to sweeping emotional conditions, like colliding weather systems over the prairie. It helps to stand back, see the bigger picture and operate from gratitude. Later on it may further to back to a familiar pattern or tradition and then engage our logic for perspective as Mercury trines Saturn. Heather Roan Robbins
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:58:59 +0000

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