Start by eliminating legislation that is harming the economy and - TopicsExpress


Start by eliminating legislation that is harming the economy and the nation. For example, fix the Clean Air Act by removing EPAs authority to regulate carbon dioxide. Fix the Energy and Department of Interior regulations that are preventing development of the abundant oil and gas on federal lands ... most of which are off limits and require the Executive to lease or sell those lands for development. One very positive result of the latter would be improvement of U.S. national security and ability to pay down U.S. debt. Third, reverse the decades-long running, deadly vicious U.S. / NATO regime change imperial strategy. Stop these undeclared and covert wars. Bring home the military, focus on a few strategic bases overseas where we have true allies and strengthen defenses at home. Fourth, outlaw unions in government; there is no need for these unions since government employees are already represented by city, state and federal legislative representatives. Fifth, eliminate taxes on corporations and eliminate unitary taxation. The U.S. is one of only a very few countries to implement these duplicate taxes and removing these taxes will encourage companies to bring their operations and jobs back to America. Sixth, audit the Federal Reserve and require all interest paid on the trillions of fiat dollars of U.S. government notes and bonds which are on the Feds balance sheet to be used to pay down the enormous Federal debt. Eliminate the power of the Fed to print Federal Reserve Notes and return the power to print the U.S. dollar currency to the U.S. Treasury where it Constitutionally belongs. Outlaw and punish direct and indirect manipulation of markets by the Federal Reserve, constraining its activities to be a banker of member banks and establish minimum required reserves for all banks. Seventh, enable immediate deportation of illegal aliens by all federal and state bureaucracies and police...which will produce jobs for citizens and increasing wages, reducing income inequality. Eighth, repeal Obamacare and replace it first with true reforms that eliminate and punish fraud in Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. Only after the loopholes that enable fraud are eliminated, begin the task of simplifying the regulations on the healthcare system. There is no point in beginning the task of simplification and reform until the fraud loopholes are discovered and eliminated. This alone will cause a huge, long battle because there is an entrenched constituency that wants this fraud to continue. Ninth, remove the Internal Revenue Service from the Executive Branch and have it report to an Inspector General who reports to a Senate Committee. Finally, reform the NDAA and the Patriot Act to permanently outlaw indefinite detention of citizens, and permanently outlaw detention of citizens without due process of law. This final reform will ensure citizens that you intend to protect their rights under the Constitution.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 20:02:26 +0000

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