Start of something new ~ Chapter 20 We arrive at the arena we - TopicsExpress


Start of something new ~ Chapter 20 We arrive at the arena we could hear fans screaming, for the boys already. One by one the boys and their girlfriends got out, and bolted inside the arena with security guards. “Are you ready for this Mia?” Harry turns to me before it is time for Harry and I to go out. “Yeah”I reply smiling at Harry. He grabs my hand as he, quickly, and safely guides me into the arena. We walk thorough all these passage ways to get backstage without being noticed by fans. We got back stage and Paul started directing traffic. While Paul was trying to get things ready, the boys were mucking around trying to stay awake. Paul got frustrated as the boys weren’t listening, “Okat that’s it, you 5 are getting coffee you can’t go on stage tired, you have a show to perform. Ladies, can you please get your crazy lads at least dressed. I don’t care what you do just do it.” Paul orders. I look over at Harry who is smirking, “So Paul you don’t mind how, as long as it’s done right?” Harry asks cheekily. I shoot him a look knowing exactly what he is thinking. “Harry with in reason!” Paul yells on his way out. Harry jumps up taking my hand, and quickly walks to a dressing room, the boys look at us as Harry drags me with him, then Liam and Louis do the exact same with Danielle, and Eleanor, while Niall and Zayn continue to muck around. Harry closes the door behind us, “Can you help unbutton me luv?” Harry asks looking all so innocent. I giggle before I walk closer to him, “If I must” I say as I start to undo his shirt. As I am undoing his shirt he starts to kiss me lightly. I break away from his kiss, “Sorry Harry you need to get ready.” “But Mia this is a fun way.” Harry whines, “haha Harry-” I start to say before he interrupts me crashing his sweet lips on mine. I don’t bother I just let it continue while I take off his top.As soon as his top is off I break away. “Okay that’s it, you need to get dressed.” i say and take a step back, Harry makes a sad face at me. “How about when I have to get changed half way through what about then will you make it more fun?” “Harry as much as I would love to, Paul will kill us if you aren’t ready because you were too busy with me.” I reply. Harry sighs as he continues to get ready. He is completely dressed, when Paul knocks on the door. “Harry 5 minutes before you have to have your coffee before going on stage.” Paul tells us through the door. “Okay.” Harry replies. “Mia we have 5 minutes.” Harry winks, I roll my eyes pretending not to care. I then just give in, and our lips collide together, we were in the middle of basically making out, When Louis barges in. “Harry you’re meant to be getting dressed not undressed!” Louis jokes. I get a little embarrassed as Harry sarcastically laughs. “Can I help you Louis?” Harry asks as he turns to face him. “Your coffee is here, we have 10 minutes before we have to be on stage.” Louis says as he hands Harry his cup of coffee. Harry takes the coffee and nod, as Louis then walks out. “Come on lets go back to everyone.” I suggest, Harry agrees and takes my hand as we walk out. Harry and I go and stand with everyone, Harry hugs be from behind and I rest my head on his chest. “Would you like some luv?” Harry sweetly asks me as he takes a sip. “Just a small sip.” I say and Harry hands me the cup. I take a quick sip before handing it back to him, and I rest my head on his chest again, as I hold his arms that are wrapped around my waist. “Boys you have 2 minutes.” Paul says frantically. I feel Harry getting nervous so I turn to face him. “You okay?” “Yeah just the normal pre concert nerves.” he replies, and I smile at him. “You will do fine, and I love you.” “I love you too.” he says just before I quickly kiss him, and I stand back with the girls as the boys huddle around. Harry surprisingly does his line, “Lets do this poo!” and all the boys laugh as they start to get energetic. The girls and I stand at the sides next to the boys, as they are about to run out. The count down then starts, 5,4,3,2,1 and the boys run on stage, and start to sing, Na Na Na ~Joanna Styles
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:01:24 +0000

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