Start your 90 Day Challenge too where will you be in a few short - TopicsExpress


Start your 90 Day Challenge too where will you be in a few short months?? budragirl8n3.SBCSpecial/ Hi I am Cheryl-Ann and this is my story for those who want to know a little more about me and why I am passionate about Skinny Fiber and helping others regain their health. No-one could have been more skeptical than I was, This was me......... I have been diagnosed with all of the following and more, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Cholesterol and Triglycerides at life threatening range (379 and 815 in US scale 9.8 and 9.2 UK/Aus scale), Peripheral Vascular Disease and Cardio Vascular Disease due to my extreme cholesterol causing arterial blockages which resulted in 3 rounds of arterial bypass surgery and a brain aneurysm repaired in the last 10 years, PCOS, High Blood Pressure, Borderline Diabetic, Coeliac Disease, Asthma, Sjogrens Syndrome, Polymyalgia, Reflux, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and walking on a cane for over 5 years. I never expected to lose weight but hoped beyond hope that it would work and giveme some help with my Cholesterol levels and prevent me from more surgeries for blocked arteries and aneurysms or worse. I was pleased that within 3 weeks of starting on Skinny Fiber I had a 25% drop in Cholesterol and 12.5% drop in triglycerides and that my BP and blood sugar levels were normal due to starting to lose some weight, my reflux was also gone and I had only lost a few pounds but at week 8 I was totally blown away when my cholesterol was totally normal after I had lost several dress sizes and a stack of weight. I am not some supermodel telling everyone how to become impossibly thin, I am a regular wife and mother who was too ill to enjoy time with my family and got my health back after struggling with it for over 30 years. I have a stack of energy, no longer need a cane to get around, am saving over $400 a month on medications I no longer need and over $100 a week on groceries because my son and I no longer snack!! I tried every diet and health remedy known to man including low dose long-term chemotherapy which only made me more ill, I tried Skinny Fiber primarily out of desperation after I heard that it really had worked for others and if it worked for me I could finally help lower my cholesterol because my medications which I had been on for over 10 years (and now no longer need) were not working and I was in line for more vascular surgery and was fed up with operations and recovery times every 18 months just to keep trying to save my arm because the artery kept blocking due to my cholesterol being extreme. To say that Skinny Fiber was and is my lifeline would be a total understatement!! I am healthier than I have been in decades and to my utter amazement I also won the companies weight loss competition for 2012 as well and a $1000 cash prize, but regaining my health was the biggest bonus of all!!! If like me, you have tried everything and given up and are telling yourself and others that you have come to terms with your size but really havent, you owe it to yourself to give Skinny Fiber a go, you have nothing to lose as it comes with a 30 Day Unconditional Empty Bottle Money Back Guarantee, which I had fully intended to use when I first purchased mine and an extremely thankful I never needed to!!! Your Weight Loss Journey Today>> If you are ready to finally get control of your weight, then quit making excuses. Summer is just a few months away. You can order by going to my website.--->>>> budragirl8n3.SBCSpecial/ You take 2 capsules with a glass of water 30-45 minutes before your 2 largest meals of the day.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:00:42 +0000

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