Starter for my Charlie Sparda character Charlie was laying down - TopicsExpress


Starter for my Charlie Sparda character Charlie was laying down in the living room on his couch being at his house that wasnt really well decorated yet having no need to make it look fancy or anything as he faced the tv screen watching a tv show series that was playing with it being called "Bones" soon after finishing up a another episode would play in a couple minutes. Wearing a navy blue t-shirt with black denim jean pants and for his feet was his black socks and over that he had his black with white converse shoes. Remembering that he would visit a friends grave where his friend laid asleep forever, moving his fair skinned right hand towards the remote that rested on the side of him, picking it up and brought his hand towards the tv as he pressed a button on the remote to turn off the tv then tossed it back onto the couch. Getting up he would adjust his clothes then made his way towards the front door that would lead towards street stepping out onto his porch closing the door behind him and locked it placing the key somewhere hidden now bringing his cold steel blue hues at the sky noticing that grey like clouds were formed making the day look abit dark from when it would soon rain, hearing the cars from the distance drive towards their destination while hearing and feeling the gentle light breeze brush against his fair skinned arms with his black hair moving with the flow of the wind. Wondering why he would have a letter to go visit his ally with a item in the envelope that came with it as he began to walk towards into the city looking around at the people walking doing their errands or spending time with their family, hearing all the conversations all at once around him as he dug into his left back pocket taking out a blue pendant placing it around his neck since that was the item in the envelop. Without realizing Charlie made his way to the cemetery walking through the middle of the grass reaching his destination towards the middle but a bit to the right side, looking down with his cold steel blue hues Charlie Sparda looked down at the engraving that was on the stone tablet. Staring down reading it as it would say "Here lies Charlie Kobura." with nothing else being written on it, not a fellow friend or caring friend nothing else would be on their just his name and the date he died. Charlie Sparda would kneel down placing his right hand down on the stone tablet that had his name then brought his eyes to the right of him noticing someone then turnt his head. "Yes may i help you?"
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 20:01:21 +0000

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