Starting the first day of the Gregorian New Year off with - TopicsExpress


Starting the first day of the Gregorian New Year off with Humility, when I think of humility I think of some of a great lesson my father Jabari Abdulsamad taught me during my teen years. By the age of 15 I had moved out of my moms house and was living with my older brothers in Chino CA where we were we established a home studio and was recording new music. Needless to say we were living the life of teens who had allot of money, fame, and freedom. I was doing independent studies at the time and hadnt been to a public school for years. After about a year of that adventure all my brothers and I moved to Atlanta to live with my dad. My dad had a really nice house and some how I got the biggest nicest room in the house apart from my dads, I had just turned 16 and my brother Hakim had just bought a beautiful new purple Range Rover so I inherited his old (but practically new) 300 Benz Coup. I was 16 and had no bedtime, wasnt in school, and was free to do pretty much what I wanted, but my pops had other plans for me and my younger brother. When the school semester rolled around to my horror he informed me that he was enrolling me and my little brother in the public high school o_O. I was struggling to wrap my head around this concept of high school and adjust to this new life and the new limitations imposed on me. I was dreading every moment of it but on the upside I was rolling to school in the Benz flexin. My pops could see that I was still a little too big for my britches and decided to teach me an even greater lesson in humility, and so he made me move out of my big nice room downstairs and move into a much smaller room right next to his upstairs, where he could keep a closer eye on me. Then a couple of months into school he totally broke me down by informing me that I couldnt drive the Benz anymore and that I would now have to take the yellow school bus to school O_O. That final blow was devastating. I went from a ballin 16 yr old to a scrub in a matter of weeks, he stripped me all the way down from the materialistic and egoic lifestyle I was living, but the Supreme Intelligence was working through him and unbeknownst to me at the time these events would prepare me for the journey towards Self I would soon embark upon... My pops taught me humility, and kept me focused and grounded at a crucial time in my development. It was a bitter pill to swallow but powerful medicine... (Except from the book) 😉 - So I start the first day of this Gregorian new year off with #Humility and great respect for all the lessons this year will have to offer...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:31:31 +0000

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