State Judges and County (BOARD SUPERVISORS) Government Agencies - TopicsExpress


State Judges and County (BOARD SUPERVISORS) Government Agencies are ABUSING, KIDNAPPING, TRAFFICKING AND KILLING / MURDERING OUR CHILDREN. - U.S. Child murder rate EPIDEMIC is 300% to 400% above that of other modern developed countries. The Counties, County Board Supervisors, County DA’s, CPS, Dept of Child Support Services, Police Departments, Family Law Court, Judges and Court Officials are part of the largest crime organization in committing child abductions / kidnapping, child abuse, child rape and child murder, all under the guise of law / color of law. Why? Billions of dollars+ EXTORTED under the guise of law from taxpayers, families and children. (Title IV Funding – CASH FOR KIDS and FAMILY FUNDS FOR THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN ) Over 80% of children are taken (KIDNAPPED) from at least one PARENT by the County Government, Judiciary, Family Law Courts, District Attorneys, CPS and other govt agencies in divorce and other. (Based on U.S. CENSUS BUREAU) Placed in extreme harm. -Judges instructed to harm children for federal funds, make heinous and unlawful findings “contrary to the childs welfare” - Judges Bench Book defend-yourself-go-pro-se.blogspot/…/ca-judges-b… and thesociologycenter/…/Bench%20Guides%20SmallFile.… -Remove a protective parent from children and what do you have? (An equivalent to dumping our children in the middle of a speeding freeway – Children’s death warrant) What do you think will happen? (This is not complicated) RESULTS and EXAMPLES: - U.S. Child murder rate EPIDEMIC is 300% to 400% above that of other modern developed countries. - U.S. Child Murder Rate is an EPIDEMIC. The BBC reports - UNICEF reports, America has the worst record of child abuse and homicide in the industrialized world, with an average of 27 children killed every week …” -Sacramento 2nd Worst City In U.S. Among Child Trafficking SACRAMENTO (CBS13) sacramento.cbslocal/…/sacramento-2nd-worst-city…/ -See YouTube “Americas Child Death Shame” BBC (It’s the U.S. Govt / Judiciary not the people that is responsible. Know the Facts, dont be fooled.) https://youtube/watch?v=1wqwtzaESqw -See BBC News “Americas Child Death Shame” -Sacramento panel tackles alarming death rate for African American children Read more here: sacbee/…/sacramento-panel-tackles-alarming.h… -”Dying while black in Sacramento” SACRAMENTO NEWS AND REVIEW newsreview/…/dying-while-black-in-s…/content… -Fraud on the Court (fraudulent family law court officials) “California audit criticizes Sacramento Superior Courts family court” Sacramento Bee -Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the U.S. The BBC reports -Thousands of children MURDERED every year in U.S. -Millions of children ABUSED every year by U.S. Govt. -America has the worst child abuse record in the industrialized world. BBCs Natalia Antelava -America’s children at extreme risk, exposed to extreme harm, abuse and / or murdered by the U.S. County Govt /Judiciary/Family Law Courts. -Local counties underground economies based on the BLOOD OF OUR CHILDREN = BLOOD MONEY. - Divorce Corp., (DOCUMENTARY) A shocking exposé of the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. family law industry, Divorce Corp shines a bright light on the appalling waste, and shameless, collusive practices seen daily in family courts. It is a stunning documentary film that anyone considering marriage or divorce must see.(U.S. GOVERNMENT JUDICIAL FRAUD, CORRUPTION, EXTORTION, CHILD ABUSE AND CHILD TRAFFICKING) - U.S. County Govt / Judiciary abused children grow up to be child abusers and childmurderers (Cycle continues) -Social / Economic Collapse (As our children goes, so does our country) THE REASON: -Billions of dollars+ EXTORTED from taxpayers, families and children. -Judges Bench Book instructed to harm children for federal funds, make heinous and unlawful findings “contrary to the childs welfare” defend-yourself-go-pro-se.blogspot/…/ca-judges-b… -Code of Silence for the worst CHILD PREDATORS criminally protected by the U.S. govt and the U.S. media -The U.S. County Govt /Judiciary are inbreds of immoral and unethical (sociopaths) behavior, mainly within the justice system. -U.S. Citizens have become indoctrinated, brainwashed, brain dead and / or cowardice in not stopping U.S. govt of these most heinous crimes against innocent children. State Judges, County Board Supervisors and other Conspirators of the County and State Legislatures are part of the Worlds largest crime organization in committing child abductions / kidnapping, child abuse, child rape and child murder, all under the guise of law / color of law. The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. -Albert Einstein
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:10:09 +0000

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