State criminals started putting rays in ears, brain, heart, legs - TopicsExpress


State criminals started putting rays in ears, brain, heart, legs and belly to make me “Hero” a boy in Indian TV program that becomes invisible whenever he likes. Possibly the boy seems to be made of fire. They damaged my eyes because that boy has weak eye sight. Managed depressions are given to me and created in my home because there are depressions all the time in the home of that boy. My mother was killed because in that programme the mother of that boy dies and he can do nothing. My uncle was also killed to picturise another scene of that program. Rays were constantly thrown to make my brain weak. That is why I cough most of the times and throw phlegm. It is done by heating my brain. They damaged my brain through rays because in that programme the boy falls down when rays are thrown on his brain/forehead. My English language was destroyed by inserting wrong words in brain, ears and in heart and thereby passing the same through tongue so that I may not get projection ever. They want to convert me in position in which he goes through rays and dreams. Rays/signals are used to convert me in some particular emotional position for instance to make up my mind to do something or to discourage me to do something. They create disorder in digestive system, compel me to go for natural call whenever they like. They inject heat through rectum, through ears in stomach and also directly in stomach and create disorder in main intestine to compel me to go for natural call. They pull urine downwards and upwards. They can remind me or cause me to forget something very soon and even with challenge. How are they so successful? They started giving dreams about routine life and then connecting them with major incidents. My all siblings are under the impression of natural dreams. I was given a dream that some people are mistreating my passed away mother and then I go ahead to help her, UN Security Council is behind me but does not interfere. Pakistan Army helicopter lands at our agricultural and poultry farm at my village and a soldier comes out, talks to me and went away. What I collect from imposed sufferings is that state criminals have tried their level best to destroy natural coding in me, my parents, my siblings and their children and are trying to install artificial coding. The coding they like best in human beings. My siblings are cooperating with the state criminals to materialize dreams. Possibly they anticipate no other choice in an uncivilized society like Pakistan. I am being told to be taught a lesson in case I get no help. Criminals threaten me to kill my two bothers who are in police and shot my nephew in back. When i was student of LL.M at Punjab University Law College Lahore and stayed at Hostel No.1 Room No.310 Punjab University New Campus Lahore, i was given a dream that two persons Riaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ashraf both sons of Lal Din Numberdar with whom we share boundary of agricultural land at my village were taking my brother Muhammad Latif who is in police and i can not help him. Then after sometime Muhammad Akram Tariq Sial who was living in room next to me namely 311 led me to see the news of assassination of Mr Deirik a christian leader in Lahore by a police inspector Imran Niazi posted at Police Station Liberty Market Gulberg Lahore. My brother Muhammad Latif was in subordination of that Inspector also told me that sad news. I am not allowed to search full name of Mr Deirik on internet.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:22:54 +0000

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