State reformists are trapped by their own limitations and need to - TopicsExpress


State reformists are trapped by their own limitations and need to hang on to the state rather than dismantle it. Chris Hedges made this statement at a panel discussion held on September 20, 2014, in New York City: If the response of the corporate state is repression rather than reform then our strategy and our tactics must be different. We will have to cease our appealing to the system. We will have to view the state, including the Democratic Party, as antagonistic to genuine reform. We will have to speak in the language of ... revolution. We will have to carry out acts of civil disobedience that seek to cripple the mechanisms of corporate power. The corporate elites, blinded by their lust for profit and foolish enough to believe they can protect themselves from climate change, will not veer from our path towards ecocide unless they are forced from power. And this means the beginning of a titanic clash between our corporate masters and ourselves. What would it take for reformists to finally recognize that the corporate state has never had any intention to respond to the appeals of the people with anything other than more oppression? There is no will and therefore no way. But revolution can never come about while the military and the militarized police, who are currently doing the bidding of their corporate masters, refuse to turn their backs on their own bread and butter, and stop listening to the lies of the oppressors. That said, I do not hold my breath for these Kapos to ever give up their privileges or their profiteering wet dreams to side with the oppressed. Their worshiping alliance with and loyalty to the enemy is what has enabled omnicide and made it inevitable. Regardless of the approaching outcome, we should never stop advocating for non-participation in the system, even though we no longer have any time left to stop near term extinction. And even if we were ready and able to fight an all-out global war between the corporate rulers and the oppressed, this would only bring our extinction that much closer. A violent revolutionary war is not a short-term possibility nor a long-term solution. In truth, there really are no long-term solutions anymore. All we can do as human beings with a conscience, is not add to, endorse, or authorize then ending scenario we are left with, and we must advocate for the formation of small communities that repudiate the legitimacy of these genocidal maniacs for the duration of whatever time we may have left
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:05:21 +0000

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