Statement On Declaration Of Leadership Change In Liberia The - TopicsExpress


Statement On Declaration Of Leadership Change In Liberia The Ellen-StepDown-Campaign ‘Non-Negotiable Resistance ‘Till Change Come’ 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia Contacts: 0886976142, 0886661061 Facebook @ Ellen-StepDown-Campaign September 7, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE To the ordinary Liberian who continues to endure the unbearable challenges of life; the hardworking civil servant, with a take-home pay that is barely enough to pay the rent, or feed the family, thus turning a once happy family into impoverished despair as the promise of ‘Papa na come’ fails in meaning; the student who bears the brunt of transportation hike as officials of government cruise in luxury vehicles at the expense of the struggling taxpayer; the ‘Yana boy’ & the poor girl-child who falls prey to police harassments daily, often having their goods seized as they seek honest means to make a living; we have come to inform you that we stand united with you in searching for an end to the calamities making life unbearable; To the businessmen and women reliant on the importation of merchandise to keep employed, yet is discouraged daily by the imposition of an unjust tax system that makes it difficult to remain in business; the struggling people f the motherland left to wander in despair and hopelessness in an economy with an exchange rate of 80 to 1dollar, and a price of a 100lbs bag of rice hiked to more than US$50.00, we have sympathized with you for too long & believe it’s now time to stand with you in measures that will change your life. To the victim of war; raped, drugged and devastated without a measure of justice, as chief war perpetrators get paid and certificated; the deactivated security sector, and downsized employees of government made jobless to make way for a so-called ‘Small & efficient system’ that has now been revealed as a strategy to accommodate foreign-based cousins and nephews of a specific class order; And to the energetic supporters of the regime whose honest vote-cast for the President has been unpatriotically misused by the utter disregard of their earnest expectations, we share in your frustrations and call on you to unite with us; To all our brothers and sisters in the struggle for change; noble institutions and members of the opposition community who continue to be marginalized & ignored under an exploitative political system, we ask you to stand with us in this gracious endeavor and demand a new direction for our country, our children and make it possible once again for direct foreign investment to be reinvested in the lives of the people. We hereby introduce to you The Movement, Ellen-StepDown-Campaign, which is dedicated to the complete transformation of Liberia into an economically, politically and socially strong nation that makes it viably imperative for the country’s resources and systems to address the needs of every Liberian child, man and woman in a new society that will be challenged to rise above entrenched class hierarchies promoted by the current regime. The period 2006 continuing through 2013 have been the most critical in the history of this nation. During this grave time interval, decisions that were fashioned and coerced to be inducted against the aspirations of the oppressed masses have not only shaped and made bleak the destiny of post-war Liberia, but has nonetheless undercut the inalienable inheritance of generations yet unborn. This period has truly been a defining moment that elevated opportunity for quality leadership under this President. Sadly, she fumbled the opportunity, failed the expectations of her own supporters and the constituent Liberian population at large, and became the emblem of creative suffering for her citizens. Truly, Liberia, once a ‘Sweet land of liberty’, has been rudely awakened by a masterminded enterprise of unparalleled economic robberies operated disguised as a reflection of representative democracy, yet a typecast of come grab and go business as usual. This pattern of politics has only succeeded in denigrating the living standards of the ordinary population and denied them access to basic social services, and relegated the country beneath its rightful place amongst the community of nations. This gross evil, which has been accelerated beyond tolerance by this representative oligarchy, cannot be condoned any further. The Liberian people, as sufficiently mirrored in the huge assembly of massive grassroots support at this press conference, which makes history as the biggest press briefing ever in the nation’s political journey, have mandated a new course; we believe the only change possible after eight years of consistent failed policies under the Sirleafs-led government, is leadership change! The ‘Ellen-StepDown-Campaign’ is a direct response to the people’s demands for this change, which MUST begin from the top (i.e. the unconditional and non-negotiable resignation of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf) for widespread corruption, cronyism, nepotism, the economic marginalization of the ordinary population, attack on press freedom, and failure to ensure the scrupulous implementation of the TRC reports as required by the Comprehensive Peace Accord and in line with international transitional justice protocols. There can be no overemphasizing the need for change from the top, as the striking commonness of unbearable challenges and perilous circumstances entrapping the lives of our struggling population remain pervasive and unspeakable. Therefore, these detailed disgusting challenges impose upon us this revolutionary march towards true freedom in the healthcare sector, educational sector, a military-laden with defections for lack of proper care for our gallant soldiers, the traditional sector, the moral fabrics of our society, good governance and fiscal sanity. For much of its history, Liberia has been ruled by a few; as a result, there is a feeling of entitlement within certain quarters. More often than not a pass is given to individuals that rob the national treasury in a suit and tie; while the poor and disenfranchised are arrested and jailed for stealing a loaf of bread to survive. After decades of immoral leadership, the concept of Justice is alien to most Liberians. We have been conditioned to believe that being gracious to our abuser is a sign of good citizenship. We say to you, this has been an evil manipulation intended for the sole purpose of dominating the masses. And it has worked effectively. We consistently seek solution from the very same people responsible for 89% illiteracy, 85% unemployment, and a national debt once again climbing to astronomical proportions. Subconsciously, we behave as though there are stations within the larger society reserved for specific groups; and members of these groups have come to expect preferential treatment. This behavior is a direct consequence of the unjust system of governance that has been in place since the founding of this nation, and exacerbated by this regime for which the head must resign. The resultant bankrupt mentality is so ingrained it has become the shackles holding Liberia down. While the rest of the world advances, we cling to antiquated laws and proudly sing a National Anthem that refers to our race as “benighted”. While there is time, the Ellen-StepDown-Campaign admonishes us all to take steps to break these chains so that those who now believe they are free will come to experience true liberty. Apart from being responsible for endemic corruption crippling the economy, The Ellen-StepDown-Campaign is leading the call for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to resign until she judicially clarifies her role in the 14-year carnage. We have taken this position based on documented evidence that Mrs. Sirleaf and others may have broken the law. They are suspected of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity - offenses so contemptible there is no statutory limitation or safe haven within the civilized world. The evidence shows Mrs. Sirleaf played a central role in the planning, financing and directing of a war so brutal, so violent and so devastating that experts have labeled it one of the worst in modern History. Ordering the NPFL forces to attack the then overcrowded City of Monrovia (during operation Octopus) shows the extent to which Mrs. Sirleaf was willing to go in order to become president, a notorious initiative she conceded to when she confessed to a US$10,000.00 to the NPFL contribution before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Now as President, she continues to cause grief for the Liberian People due to her inability to fully execute the duties of the office. And though it is abundantly clear this nation cannot move forward without some measure of accountability; Ms. Sirleaf continues to put her personal interests above that of the entire population. Her lack of moral leadership at this critical stage has led to this Declaration of Leadership Change, which in essence is an indictment of Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others for corruption, nepotism, cronyism, special interests patronage, passage of 66 bogus concession agreements violating the laws of Liberia, and war crimes; rape, torture and the murder of tens of thousands Liberians, occurring between 1979 to 2003. We believe, if she is responsible, as the evidence indicates, it would be a travesty of justice to have indicted former president Charles Taylor and removed him from office; but yet allow Ms. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to remain head of state even though she also is suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity against her own people. Besides acknowledging the fact Ms. Sirleaf is incapable of preventing this country from again returning to violence; the call for leadership change is a commitment to transform Liberia into a nation of laws. And, it is also an effort to end the culture of impunity, as well as an expression of our collective disgust with the status quo. Change must begin at the top. The presence of United Nations troops has afforded us the opportunity to solidify the peace as well as find solutions to the ills plaguing this nation. Knowing full well these troops will not remain indefinitely, it is imperative we lay the foundation for rule of law; because it offers the best remedy for corruption, rape, land dispute, armed robbery as well as other pressing issues. And there is no better way to stabilize the country than to utilize the legal process to hold accountable those responsible for atrocities perpetrated against the Liberian people during the war and now. Evil has gripped this nation, and it must be soundly defeated. Until we can collectively stand against the rising tide of injustices against the poor and powerless, there is no assurance that the peace will be sustained. This indisputable reality is mirrored through a weak and corrupt judicial system being further exploited to settle score with members of the independent press. The case of Journalist Rodney Seah, who still languishes behind bars unjustifiably and remains bed-ridden, while Dr. Chris Toe, an alleged corruptor of state resources, walks freeman, speaks to a maximal threat to peace that will only accelerate with time in a democracy that cannot tolerate freedom of speech. In the coming days we will ask you to stand with those who believe Liberians deserve better...those who believe rule of law must take hold before UN troops depart...those who believe in personal accountability…as well as those who believe there can be no peace without justice. We call on you, minimally paid civil servants, ‘Pen-pen’ traders, ‘Yana boys & girls’, petty-traders, the student and youth communities, & our physically-challenged brothers & sisters, to rise from your bended knees and fight with us for nonviolent change. As we rise to the challenge, we caution our compatriots to come to terms with the reality that our zeal for change must not drive us to antagonize every member of the regime and the ruling party. There are those that desire to provide vital services to the interests of the poor, but are saturated by corrupt and moribund elements of reactionary predispositions. Similarly, not every supporter of Mrs. Sirleaf the candidate at elections are defender of Mrs. Sirleaf, the corrupt President! If we are to succeed, a balance must be struck as we prepare to embrace all those standing ready to work for change, irrespective of their historical leanings. The presence of all political parties’ representation in this endeavor is evidenced of a rainbow coalition of the willing to dethrone bad governance. Lastly, the coffin of democracy was hit its final nail when President Sirleaf, as usual, refused to act in the Ellen Cockrum/Brownie Samukai shameful display of top echelon corruption that has paralyzed Liberia. We sound the trumpet of nonviolent resistance, measured to shake the foundations of corruption and impunity. Ours will remain peaceful yet uncompromising, and will translate into a generating momentum for incessant nationwide protests and rallies until good governance is enthroned. The world community has come to our rescue, but only we - Liberians - can save ourselves. Only we can defeat the forces of evil which for decades have dominated this land. Only we can ensure justice is served in order to prevent a repeat of the senseless violence that reduced practically the entire population to beggars. Changing attitude, behavior and mindset evolved over decades is going to be difficult and painful. There will be strong resistance, even amongst those who stand to gain the most. And in this battle for the soul of this nation, some will rise and others will fall. But until the transformation is complete, we must not relent…never retreat…and never surrender. The children are counting on us; our friends are praying for success; and because future generations deserve better. Issued Under Our Hands and Signed on This 7th Day of September, A. D. 2013 in the City of Monrovia, Republic of Liberia. Signed:_____________________ Vandalar R. Patricks Secretary General Approved:___________________ Mulbah K. Morlu, Jr. National Chairman
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 02:29:42 +0000

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