Statement by Ambassador Michael Grant, Deputy Permanent - TopicsExpress


Statement by Ambassador Michael Grant, Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations at the High-Level Meeting on Libya September 25, 2014 - New York, United States Check Against Delivery On behalf of the Canadian delegation, I would like to thank the United Nations for convening this important and significant meeting. You all agree with me that over the past few months, Libya has seen some of its greatest challenges since the revolution. Violence has propagated and extremists have hijacked the democratic process, threatening to derail the country’s transition. We stand with the people of Libya in confronting those that would use violence and terror to rob the Libyan people of the freedom to which they long aspired. Canada recognizes the democratically elected House of Representatives and its duly appointed government as the sole legitimate authority in Libya. It is essential that the institutions of the democratic transition be preserved. This includes the Constitutional Drafting Assembly, whose work is more vital now than ever. Canada supports UNSMIL-led efforts toward a political settlement in Libya. We underscore the critical importance of all parties to the present conflict ensuring full compliance with UNSCR 2174, and we re-iterate our call for an immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities. We see a strong need for stability in central institutions vital to the Libyan economy, including the Central Bank, the Libyan Investment Authority and the National Oil Company. The current crisis has had a severe impact on the Libyan economy: critical infrastructure has been destroyed; the banking system has suffered significant disruption; and the delivery of food, electricity and fuel to individual citizens has been disrupted. Strong central institutions working in the best interests of Libya and its people will be vital to rebuilding and recovering from the current conflict. Canada is deeply concerned by reports of serious human rights violations, including abductions, killings, torture, the targeting of civilians and the deliberate destruction of property and infrastructure. We believe that those responsible must be held accountable and face real consequences for their actions. Canada is exploring ways to support the recent appeal from the United Nations for resources to meet immediate humanitarian needs in Libya. By acting swiftly, and in close coordination, we can prevent a significant humanitarian crisis. In doing so, we also deny those who might seek to radicalize and recruit from amongst the most vulnerable the opportunity to do so. We note that continued instability in Libya carries with it serious consequences for the entire region. Extremists, terrorists, criminal networks, human traffickers and arms smugglers all are active in Libya, drawn by the chaos, secure in the knowledge of impunity from challenge by credible security forces. Their presence and activities pose a potential threat to long-term security and stability in the region. Canada calls for the international community to rally in support of Libya’s legitimate institutions. Libya must continue to work to improve stability and security, build inclusive and participatory democratic institutions, establish the rule of law and rebuild its economy. In this significant undertaking, Libya has the support of all those around this table. Canada is proud to join with the international community in support of Libya’s ongoing transition.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 09:26:08 +0000

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