Statement made : The law of war dictates that if an invading - TopicsExpress


Statement made : The law of war dictates that if an invading force occupies and has authority over you, the land now belongs to them. Meaning that those under occupation should not fight nor resist, just be complaisant and accept their new role. Native Indians once inhabited the continent of North America, until the mass killing of over 96% of their population by european invaders. South Africa was poise to taste the same fate by the occupying colonialist, but rebelled and persevered for a long time until their objective of removing the occupying force was realized. Palestine currently faces the same dilemma, the occupying force being the 5th strongest nuclear power in the world, and has the backing of nations who has history in occupation and eradication of foreign lands and its people. The dynamics differ with each example, but the underlying factor of removing a people physically, historically, emotionally, and by disconnecting any possible attachment to this land remains the same. Be it by stating we discovered this land, implying no one existed there before (North America), or by saying we are liberating the savages, implying that the occupants were nothing (South Africa), or as in the third example of claiming it was a land of no people for a people with no land, implying that the land was not inhabited before (Palestine). Upon the tongues of occupying invaders who feel that might is right, we hear these statements and the likes of them. In truth, should this law of one who occupies the land of another becomes its rightful owner, be correct, then we say that Japan should still own China, Britain should own India (along with many other nations), Italy should still own Somalia, Russia should still own Afghanistan, or many other examples like Portugal owning Brazil, France owning Haiti, and on and on.... But this is not he case, because those under oppression continued to fight and struggle, refusing to live kneeling, preferring to fight for what they believed and what was their basic rights, even if it meant that they may taste death if they stood up. The courage, nobility, honour, and distinction of these small groups who conquered giants, live on in the history of men. They are to be lessons for us, motivation for us, inspiration for us. Also keep in mind that not all we hear in the media is truthful. From amongst the basic principles of war is that the enemy must be dehumanized to achieve the support of the mass. This means that their characteristics must seem so outlandish and barbaric that it justifies whatever calamity that may befall them.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 22:24:11 +0000

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