Statement of Parker Griffith Regarding Robert Bentley’s Debate - TopicsExpress


Statement of Parker Griffith Regarding Robert Bentley’s Debate Refusal Governor Robert Bentley has announced he will not debate me. I want the people to understand how Governor Bentley’s refusal to debate me is connected to the key issues in this campaign … a vote on the education lottery, job creation and reforming, retooling and expanding Medicaid. The clear and simple fact is this: Robert Bentley doesnt care. Bentley doesnt care that Alabama is the only state in America where unemployment is going up. Bentley doesnt care that Alabamians are dying because of his stubborn refusal to expand Medicaid. Bentley doesnt care that more than 80 percent of Alabamians want to vote on an education lottery. And Bentley doesnt care that respected editorial voices all across Alabama are calling on him to engage in debates to defend his failed policies. My campaign has become more than an exercise in democracy … it has become an intervention with an accidental governor who is in denial about how his policies are costing us jobs, costing us lives and costing us billions of dollars in federal health care money. I believe our campaign has touched a nerve in Alabama. I believe Democrats, Independents and Republicans are gravitating to my campaign because I believe in the future of Alabama and I have a specific plan to create jobs, make health care more accessible and rescue our failing schools with the implementation of an education lottery. I have put details of my specific plans on my website for all to see at GriffithforGovernor Today, Ive heard from several Republicans who have gone out of their way to call or email me to tell me they are supporting my campaign. One man who emailed me urged me to stay aggressive in my campaign. He said, “Only an aggressive campaigner can be an aggressive leader and Bentley is proof in the pudding.” On my campaign’s Facebook page today a man wrote, “I’m a Republican. Ive been critical of Obama. I’ll not be inconsistent and uphold Bentley. Time for common sense. I’m voting for Parker Griffith.” I was also invited to speak to a group later in the month and they requested that I bring my debate duck with me. Today, Governor Robert Bentley revealed how deeply out of touch he is with the people of Alabama. I suspect that when the people and editorial voices of Alabama examine his statement of today Governor Bentley will once again change his mind and agree to debates. Whether he does or not, I will press my case to the people of Alabama.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:19:45 +0000

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