Statement of support to Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf, Senatorial bid - TopicsExpress


Statement of support to Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf, Senatorial bid for Montserrado County By: Teklo Maxwell Grigsby, ll A humanitarian, Former Youths & Students Leader, Republic of Liberia Robert Sirleaf gets monumental endorsement! Distinguish members of the fourth estate, Liberians home and abroad, supporters and anti supporters to Robert Sirleaf’s senatorial bid, ladies and gentlemen. I kindly request thirty (30) seconds of silence in loving memory of our falling advocate for social justice, peace and national unity, the late comrade James Gray who departed this world yesterday, November 17, 2014. May his soul rest in peace! Analysis of the current Legislators performance: In December of 2012, the fifth round of the Afrobarometer survey in 35 countries including Liberia on opinion gathered from a sample size of 1200 respondents clearly indicated the low rating of the population in the performance of their representatives. The survey displays the disapproval of the citizens in the malfunctioning of the current representatives and thus the lack of impact on their daily lives. Eventhough the respondents spoke resoundingly about the need to continue on the democratic path and rejected violence as a means of solving election related conflicts, this message has not vibrated sufficiently as the two parties to which the respondents indicated their attachments are the forerunners of verbal and physical violence during the time of elections as display even now. The Midterm Election in Montserrado: Now to the issue, the 2014 midterm election in Montserrado County has witnessed a new phenomenal of endorsement by these poorly rated representatives behind soccer legend George M. Weah. The Representatives, in a superficial bid to regain the confidence of the people of Montserrado and sympathetically get re-elected have committed to canvassing for Mr. Weah and assuring him 90% of the votes in the county even with their visible unpopularity and rejection. What they failed to realized is that, the political slogan of vote the emblem or collaborators is losing its essence and their naked ambition is even more an excess baggage to Mr. Weah than an advantage. The truism of the statement stands from the fact that, a lot of people who have been victimized by the reckless and irresponsible attributes of these lawmakers are up to repay them in the same inhumane manner they were treated over the past years. The voters of Montserrado County will stop at nothing than to punish the fourteen (14) failed legislators’ endorsee (Amb. Weah) in the ensuing election. A brief review of the electoral antecedents and or statistics of the Montserrado legislative elections and the performance of the legislators of both the general and presidential elections of 2005, the bi-election of 2009 and the 2011 elections will inform anyone that, Mr. Weah and his party are morally obligated to make an open apology to the people of Montserrado rather than disseminating the unguided and misdirected frivolous agenda of propaganda they have chosen to pursue. The CDC and Mr. Weah believe an empty propaganda of Mr. Sirleaf being a gay and that he has gotten rich overnight will guarantee them victory in Montserrado and increase the dislike of Mr. Sirleaf among the religious groups and conservatives. Quite frustratingly, the CDC has forgotten that unlike 2005 they are now incumbent and the harsh reality is that the party is under obligation to account for the stewardship over the last nine (9) years of service to the people of Montserrado and Liberia at large. It is imperative that the party’s unsophisticated pseudo legislators, torts and mercenaries put on the table the achievements of CDC legislators for the last nine (9) years (2005 – 2014) of dominance in Montserrado County. The CDC and Mr. Weah must refrain from the unorthodox acts of treats, violence, deceits and clearly explain the agenda of the party through its aspirant for Montserrado County. The CDC gross refusal to articulate the achievements and current agenda clearly explains its inherent acceptance of failure and shameless strategy to safe face. Isn’t this a mockery of the masses vote? The CDC must muster the courage to speak and disengage from the old fashion politics of rhetoric, schemes and deceits as our people have play the victim for a long time. It is however no secret that in 2005, Mr. Weah and the CDC won ten (10) electoral districts of the fourteen (14) electoral districts. Namely: District number one (1) Hon. Alumiza Ennois, district number two (2), Hon. Rufus Dio Neufville, district number three (3) Hon. Dr. Kettekumeh Murray, district number seven (7) Hon. Thomas Fallah, district number eight (8) Hon. Dave Kumey, district number nine (9) Hon. Moses Tandipolie (May his soul rest in peace), district number ten (10) Hon. Regina S. Teah, district number eleven (11) Hon. Edwin Barclay, district number twelve (12) Hon. Edward Forh (you eat, I eat) and district number thirteen (13) Hon. Victoria Lynch. Mr. weah and the CDC also captured the two senatorial seats in 2005 with the election of Hon. Joyce Musu Freeman and Hon. Hannah Brent (may her soul rest in peace). What are the tangibles that the party can speak to? If this dominated CDC Montserrado legislative caucus could not impact the development in Montserrado County, which one will? Does this explain the reason behind the low voting turn-out in Montserrado County for legislative seats? Yes it does, lack of an legislative agenda, immaturity and poverty dwarfed the performance of the legislators and disappointed the masses of Montserrado County. Will this affect the voting turn-out of the mid-term election in Montserrado County? Probably, but the involvement and participation of Montserrado Political game changer (Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf) has impacted the dynamics of the county politics and this might change the persuasion of the people and rekindle the dying hopes. Yes, this I believe, because the once forgotten and already decided seat of Montserrado upon the entry of Amb. Weah is becoming a seat for no man. It is vividly clear, that the most prepared and the person with more to offer in terms of their track record and impact on the lives of the people will certainly emerge as the senator of the County. The descending opinion and public support of Montserrado County Superintendent Hon Florence Brently, the intimacy and assurances of CDC Senator, Geraldine Doe-Sheriff (Now resigned from CDC) and the open contestation of the party (CDC) Senior senator Hon. Joyce Musu Freeman (now resigned as well from CDC) against the standard bearer are indication that Mr. Weah has an uphill task and might just sing the slogan of 2005 and 2011. In addition, in 2009 tragedy broke into the camp of the party and its county (Montserrado) legislative caucus with the sadden death of Hon. Hannah Brent, Senator of Montserrado county. The party, being fully cognizant of the malfeasance and ill performance of their example law makers, sought to build mergers with leading opposition leaders, successful businessmen and other stakeholders as being done now with concrete commitment of keeping the promise in the 2011 scheduled general and presidential elections. The party narrowly succeeded in the bi-elections due to the huge failure of sitting lawmakers at the time. The people of Montserrado disapproval of the legislators’ performance and the party alluding to the voter’s dissatisfactions made internal replacement on few of the district tickets. CDC in 2009 came to the quick reality that to obtain state power the party needed a united front with members of the opposition but soon after their victory of the bi-election swept under the carpet, all the commitments made to the members of the opposition. The armature political desperado, Amb. George Manneh Oppong Weah took on his iron man jacket and bragged that “he could win without members of the opposition” but the election result proved contrary. We all know how it all ended; “We will not participate in the run-off” but later was in the front seats of the inauguration. What changed hands still remains history. Posterity remains the judge of the actions and inaction of the bandits changing the cards with the CDC and parties with similar attributes. The struggle lives on! In 2011, CDC was again re-elected to the senate with the ascendency of Hon. Geraldine Doe Sherrif and eight (8) representatives in Montserrado County. Namely: district number five (5) Hon. Thomas Fallah, district number seven (7) Hon. Solomon George (political crackpot), district number eight (8) Hon. Acarous Gray, district number (9), Hon. Muna Pelhnum Youngblood (Ms. 53rd legislature), district number ten (10) Hon. Julius Berrian (The liar and double minded), district number eleven (11) Hon. Moses Tandipolie (May his soul rest in peace), the party lost this district to Hon. Gabriel Nyenkan of the Unity Party in a bi-election, district number thirteen (13) Hon. Saah Joseph, district number sixteen (16) Hon. Edward Forh (You eat, I eat). It is biggest joke of the 21st century that this unserious movement, coined, Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) is yet to speak to the people of Montserrado on its legislative achievements and agenda for the midterm elections but anticipate re-election on the dull tactics of propaganda. This is a gross display of irresponsibility and childishness. Any rational person evaluating the action and campaign strategy of Mr. Weah and his party, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) will come to the quick realization that the party’s legislative journey has been a failed voyage marked with a self seeking agenda, deceit, greed, chicaneries, ingratitude, struggle for money and mockery to democracy. Notwithstanding, maybe the party’s presidential bid, another farfetched dream could be a little different. Thus, I advise Mr. Weah to concentrate on his implausible presidential bid rather than continue this fruitless struggle of seeking a senatorial bid after successive failures in the legislature. Distinguish members of the press, fellow Liberians, Montserrado has since 2009 witnessed a new dawn in its development drive. Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf, (the game changer), a man with the heart for his people has since change the dynamics. The propaganda that Mr. Sirleaf is a gay that has become rich overnight is a lie from the belly of the devil which is being propagated by demonic forces and evil minded bandits. The strategy of the CDC propagandist are nothing but naked face-saving ploy intended to confused die-heart partisan to continue loyalty to Mr. Weah even in the face of his gross ineptitude, insincerity, ingratitude, cruelty, barbaric and buffoon acts. What moral grounds do Mr. Weah and the CDC have to question any aspirant on issues of morality? Isn’t Mr. Weah the same person who was accused of loving to Prince Daye, another professional soccer star of our native land? Was it not Mr. Weah who was accused of kissing other male executive members of the party by the leader of the party’s propaganda strategy? Is it not the same George Manneh Weah who is on a facebook photo on the Dillon Center for Intellectual exchange and other social media centers with Masonic brothers posted for weeks and has refused to say a word about the allegation, eventhough he claims to represent the natives of Liberia? Is it not the same Oppong who fathered more than seven (7) children from four (4) mothers? Is it not the same Georgie whose wife promised not to step in Liberia until he gets elected because he has brought disgrace to the family for his continuous misused of the queens language during electoral periods? If it is the same George Oppong Manneh Weah, than the CDC has no moral high ground to argue morality in this election. Mr. Sirleaf has said to no one that he is a gay and the preponderance of evidence lies on the accusers. Reason for my endorsement: Now therefore, I endorsed the candidacy of Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf, a development oriented candidate that has greatly impacted the lives of members of my generation. Hon. Sirleaf has constructed recreation centers, pumps, improved roads, latrines, intellectual centers, renovated community colleges, and secondary schools, provided scholarship for thousands of Liberians, recommended enterprising young Liberians to serve in different position of trust in the Government and other places among others. This act of farsightedness has increased the annoyance of Cllr. Varney Sherman, Chairman and other members of the ruling Unity Party (UP) who sees him as a treat to their ambition. Liberians home and abroad have written off their political pages the Unity party for the greed and egocentric tendency that has engulfed the party. The political strategies of Hon. Sirleaf give no credence to Cllr. Sherman and handicap executives. Dis-unity party can remain in its inherent contradiction of a great President but a monster and overnight rich son, while we continue to touch the lives of their partisan across Montserrado County. The tangible actions of Hon. Sirleaf have not only benefited gays and people without families but the masses of our people living in abject poverty. The election of Mr. Sirleaf will give hope to orphans most especially EBOLA orphans who are without families because they considered him one of them (Man without family). Mr. Sirleaf has a family and allegations against him by the disunity party formerly Unity Party is misguided and unfounded. Hon. Sirleaf and those of us who believe in his development ideology rejects the disjointed logic of Wilmot Paye, that individuals without family should not be given leadership. We think everyone and anyone who serves the interest of their people well should be granted the opportunity to serve their people, inclusive of the orphans, physically challenged, visually impaired, among others. I must state otherwise that, except Mr. Paye and his slave master Cllr. Varney Sherman, who pays him from his pocket, has intension to extinguished the Sirleaf family that his assertion is clueless and naive. I call on the National Security Agency (NSA) to take constructive notice of Paye’s assertion. Member of the Press and fellow Liberians, Hon. Sirleaf developmental interventions will not only benefit urban Montserrado but the rural parts as well. Careyburg and Todee district are living testimony to his humanitarian gesture and when elected Senator he intends to continue such venture. Hon. Sirleaf’s pro-poor bills in the senate will not only benefit Muslim, nor Christian and other religion but all creed and religion as he has demonstrated in his service to the country and his people. Fellow Liberians, Mr. Sirleaf will not come out to publicly speak about the demonic deeds some of the prominent people currently castigating him have suggested to him for personal benefits, to include the seven (7) million united states dollars some of the very legislators that have endorsed Amb. Weah anticipated from the sale of the country oil and gas resources at the detriment of the masses of our people. He robustly disapproved their witch-craft proposal for which some of these lawmakers publicly stated that “they were left under the palava hut”. The recent spree of propaganda is aimed at getting back at him for not allowing them to pillage and plunder the country resources as was done with LPRC and other agencies during the transitional government of the late Charles Gyude Bryant. My candidate, the Senator in waiting, the game changer of Montserrado county chooses to remain calm in the interest of peaceful co-existance between the executives and the house of representative because the group of seven (7) has demonstrated financial dominance in the house from all of their past shady deeds with others they managed to convinced to carry out their devilish plot. Robert Alvin Sirleaf chooses to take the bullets for the good of the oil program and its expected benefits even at the detriment of his life. His position was and remains in the interest of our people and for the collective good of the country because he is not a coward and will never be. We must sound this caveat that the recent mutilation of the impeccable credentials and credibility of Hon. Sirleaf or RAS as he is affectionately called is the last; we will let no falsehood and or myth about this noble statesman go with impunity. The conscious generational leaders under the stewardship of my pen and ideas and that of over one thousand intellectuals, have asked me to forewarn Cllr. Varney Sherman, Chairman and his egoistic secretary (Wilmot Paye) and all other torts and bandits of the Unity Party to immediately retract the gibberish impregnated with madness called press statement read by Wilmot Paye (UP SG) or face our wrath. We will take the fight to Gola Konneh, Porkpa, Garwula, Common Wealth, and Tewor districts in Grand Cape Mount County. We empathize with Cllr. Sherman but will not hesitate to return him to the bed where he was confined in 2005 after the big talk, loud spending and massive defeat. We know from whence to get the physician who was asked to look after the learned counselor and have asked him to get ready to continue from where he stop in 2005. Be warned Cllr. Sherman, the Popular People Movement (PPM) must not be forced to thread this path with you because it will have excruciating consequences on your political future. Distinguish colleagues, Liberians who continue to follow and benefit from our objectivity and words of wisdom, I can assure you that, your vote for Hon. Robert A. Sirleaf will be a strong word of motivation to the thousand of Liberians who have lost hope in their legislators because of their deception and bigotry. Mr. Sirleaf will fast accelerate the competition and challenge the torture lawmakers of the Congress for Democratic Change to speed up in their work for the people or be replaced as in the case of the current legislators. It is no doubt that no candidate comes to the race with a concrete track record of tangible projects as in the case of Senator in waiting, Robert Alvin Sirleaf and as such, it will not be a surprise for Hon. Sirleaf to remain sleepless and restless until the government and partners commitment for national projects become a reality. He is very passionate about the promise to construct a four (4) lean Somalia drive road to ease the difficulties of our people in traveling early morning and late evening; he is very passionate about electricity and running water as promised by the government; he is concern about our people not using the beaches for toilet purposes (especially Popo beach in New Kru Town and the beach in West point were the CDC accumulated huge votes in the 2005 and 2011). After all these years of misrepresentation by the county’s legislators, he is very concern about youth empowerment and has already made some tangible steps which will be even greater after his successful election. He is also concern about the flood in various parts of Montserrado during raining season, the bad roads in parts of Paynesville, Brewerville, Careysburg, Johnsonville, Todee amonst others. Yes indeed, Robert cares and this message is approved by me. Done this 18th day of November 2014 in the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County. Signed: Teklo Maxwell Grigsby, ll Your Humble Servant 231 886 850 858/231 770 850 858 parliamentariangrigsby@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 12:11:16 +0000

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