Statement of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq on the mass - TopicsExpress


Statement of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq on the mass protests in Turkey Victory for the mass protest movement in Turkey! On 29th May 2013 revolutionary mass protests erupted in Turkey against Ordogan’s government and the rule of political Islam in Turkey. Hundreds of thousands demonstrated across scores of Turkish cities. A movement which was started by the environmental groups in protest against plans to destroy Gezi park nearby Taksim Square in Istanbul and to turn it to a shopping mall, quickly deepened and widened to become a mass political and social movement across many provinces and cities like Ankara, Izmir, Adana and many more cities, of its like never been faced by Ordogan’s government since its coming to power in 2002. This mass movement has called for the Prime Minister to resign, and for protecting freedoms and the secular character of the Turkish society. The world watched masses of discontent people on the streets of Turkish cities attacking and torching offices and headquarters of Ordogans’s party, Justice and Development Party (AKP). Thousands have also held gatherings in front of the offices of the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Ordogan in Istanbul and Ankara. The democratic government in Turkey has revealed its true nature and responded to protesters with tear gasses, pepper sprays, and water cannons. The government violence resulted in injuring thousands of protesters and arresting thousands more. This violence by the government was faced with condemnations across the world. These oppressive measures failed to deter the protesters and in fact have led to the escalation and deepening of the protests which forced the defiant Prime Minster to bow. With many unions and labour federation announcing a strike, this protest movement has entered an important historical phase. This event is the largest protest movement in Turkey in last decade. The masses of people in Turkey are anger at the government which uses every opportunity to change the secular character of the state and law in favour of Islamic reaction and traditions, imposes Islamic restrictions on the society and violates individual rights and freedoms in the name of “the society’s ethnics” and other excuses. They are angry at inflation, high prices, unemployment and the attack on the gains of workers and public servants. They are angry at the policies of Ordogan’s government in Syria and its role in pushing the Syrian society into a bloody war through its support to the criminal armed Islamic groups in their struggle against the reactionary nationalist regime of Bashar al-Asad which has so far claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and displaced millions of people within Syria and into neighbouring countries. This massive movement is the best answer to all claims by the politicians and mainstream media which have promoted the so-called Turkish example, “Turkish model of rule” and “Turkish model of moderate Islam” and posed it as political alternative for protesting masses in countries like Syria, Iraq, Egypt and many other countries in the region. These events have shown the real reactionary and oppressive nature of this notorious Islamic current whish is opposed to the basic rights and freedoms. They have shown that this current is politically bankrupt and has nothing to do with the aspirations of the masses seeking freedom and equality. The significance of the current protest movement in Turkey is mainly because it comes amid big shift in the region against political Islam and during a juncture of revolutionary political and social protests against this political current. The protests in Turkey advance and complete the shift in society against political Islam in the rest of this region. This movement has dealt and will deal painful blows to the alternative of moderate political Islam. It has ushered the region into a period of political and social conflicts where the working class and the communist and revolutionary movement can enter into these conflicts with determination and power. The Worker-communist Party of Iraq condemns the attack and the oppression of Turkish Islamic government against the protestors. It supports the just struggle of the masses in Turkey and their demands for Ordogan to resigns, for political freedoms and rights to be ensured and for the immediate release of all arrested protesters. Achieving any of the goals of this protest movement will not only empower the struggle for freedom, equality and prosperity in Turkey but will have a huge impact on the changes unravelling in the region. Therefore the Party calls on freedom and equality seeking masses in Iraq, the region and worldwide to do their utmost in defence of the struggle of masses in Turkey. Worker-communist Party of Iraq 03/06/2013
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 06:04:47 +0000

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