Statement of the YCLSA on the conclusion of its 4th National - TopicsExpress


Statement of the YCLSA on the conclusion of its 4th National Congress December 14, 2014 The Young Communist League of South Africa [uFasimba] today concludes its historic and watershed 4th National Congress which began on December 10 in Cape Town, Western Cape. The Congress was held under the theme ‘intensifying Youth Mobilisation for Socialism’ at the University of the Western Cape. More than 1000 young communists drawn from all levels of the organisation representing more than 86 000 members of the YCLSA descended on University of the Western Cape to evaluate the progress made since our 3rd National Congress in Mafikeng, and the 2nd National Council held in Kimberly last year, and map a way forward for the next four years. The Congress also elected a new National Committee that will implement the resolutions taken at this congress and the Programme of Action emanating therefrom (full list of members follow below). YCLSA delegates have shamed their detractors by exhibiting iron discipline and ensuring that the Congress is united. We are more than elated that those who expected this Congress to be like the one we had in 2010 in Mafikeng are left eating humble pie. The YCLSA comes out of this Congress united and with a common goal of putting together building blocks for socialism. We salute Cde Buti Manamela and the collective that led the YCLSA diligently since our re-establishment in 2003. As the newly-elected leadership collective, we particularly salute comrade Buti for his sterling contribution, sacrifice and dedication he has made to the organisation over the past 11 years. We inherit a vibrant, dynamic and revolutionary YCLSA that is occupied with the task of building a socialist state in South Africa. Armed with the resolutions taken at this Congress we are going to hit the ground running with the aim of bringing betterment to the lives of working class youth. Our Congress had the privilege of being addressed by the leaders of the tripartite alliance and fraternal organisations from both nationally and internationally. The General Secretary of the South African Communist Party [SACP], Cde Blade Nzimande, encouraged delegates to the congress to promote the unity of the alliance and to be at the forefront of defending the alliance from the liberal offensive. President Jacob Zuma reminded the YCLSA that its role is to champion programmes that will address the needs and aspirations of young people. He emphasized the growing relevancy of the YCLSA in the current conjecture. His speech focused on the role that the YCLSA must play in fighting the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality, and breeding a new cadreship that will be seized with generating fresh ideas that will be responsive to the plight of young South Africans. The Second Deputy President of the Cosatu urged YCLSA delegates to the Congress to ensure that they continue to mobilise young workers under Cosatu affiliated unions, amongst other things. As the YCLSA, we will work tirelessly to mobilize and organize young workers in building a stronger, more united COSATU. We call all metalworkers to remain in COSATU and expose the negative tendencies that seek to divert COSATU from its historic mission. They claim that “The ANC /SACP government is now more degenerate and dangerous to the working class than even the government of Thabo Mbeki”. We call for vigilance as they are themselves dangerous in the struggles that are being waged by workers and the poor; in fact they are the enemy of the workers and the poor. The past four days have been filled with robust and sober debates on issues that affect the working class and the youth especially those from working class background. We emerge from this congress confident that the YCLSA will continue to play a pivotal role in the transformation of its core constituency. With vigour we emerge from this Congress determined to occupy our rightful place in the National Democratic Revolution. Chief amongst the Resolutions and immediate tasks that this Congress took are the following: Support the ANC in winning overwhelming in the upcoming 2016 Local Government Elections. To participate more actively in social media spheres to win the battle of ideas. To strengthen branches and district structures across the country. To intensify our struggle with PYA partners chief being SASCO for access to free education for all. Calling for a review of the Youth Employment Accord and will continue to dismiss the Youth Wage Subsidy The issue of the radical second phase of our revolution. Intensify our solidarity with all oppressed people including the people of Swaziland, Cuba, Western Sahara and Palestine To cascade the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) campaign to all branches and support its campaigns including Israeli Apartheid Week and #BoycottWoolworths campaign Invigorate YCL’s participation in Friends of Cuba Society (FOCUS) The Congress has elected the following leaders to lead the YCLSA for the next four years: National Secretary: Mluleki Dlelanga National Chairperson: Yershen Pillay National Treasurer: Masello Lolo Senne Deputy National Secretary: Isaac Luthuli Deputy National Chairperson: Joyce Phuti Tsipa The following comrades were elected as members of the National Committee · Richard Mamabolo · Bongani June Mwale · Bram Hanekom · Kgauhelo Lesoka · Kenny Motshegoa · Sandile Kgosieng · Nhlakanipho Zuma · Muhammed Desai · Nqobile Gumede · Mahlatsi Dibolelo · Sabelo Mgotywa · Mabuse Mpe · Precious Banda · Bronwyn Mdletshe · Kebaabetswe Nkate · Patrick Stuurman · Khalipha Melani · Annelise Freyser · Vuyisa Khonjeni · Xolelwa Busika We will remain a fighting force, a shock force and soldiers for socialism, as Cde Chris Hani said “The struggle for socialism is about basic things” As long as there is justice for the rich and injustice for the poor, aluta continua. As long as our people are indebted by exploitative banks and loan shacks, aluta continua As long as there are workers who work in a shoe factory but go to work bare foot, aluta continua. As long there is extreme divide between the rich and the poor, aluta continua. As long the majority of youth are not employed As long as there is a sizeable number of young people go to bed without food, aluta continua. As long as there is no free, qualitative and compulsory education, aluta continua The membership of the YCLSA has faith in this leadership and trusts it to lead the organisation with discipline and commitment to grow the YCLSA both qualitatively and quantitatively. Going forward we will redouble our efforts in the struggle for a socialist South Africa. We will not tire until there is attainment of socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. We are the YCLSA, we are alive and we want socialism in our lifetime. Issued by YCLSA Media
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:00:47 +0000

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