Statement on Basseterre High School from Team Unitys Spokesperson - TopicsExpress


Statement on Basseterre High School from Team Unitys Spokesperson on Education, Hon. Shawn K. Richards ======================================= Basseterre, St.Kitts (TUCOM):- I want to begin by expressing my profound disquiet over the appalling situation at the Bassterre High School (BHS). We the members of Team Unity believe that the staff and students have shown an admirable restraint thus far in the face of the studied lack of concern shown by the Ministry of Education. Over the past few years, the staff and students at the institution have been plagued with asthma-like symptoms, skin irritation, neurotoxic health problems, and other non-specific hypersensitivity reactions which resulted in a series of disruptions to the teaching schedule. Anyone with an ounce of compassion can see that this situation is untenable; it calls for a permanent solution. Over and over again, the public has received assurances from the Minister of Education, Sen. Nigel Carty, that the condition of the compound and buildings will be investigated and fixed. Yet we see this piecemeal wishy-washy approach with a shift here, a closure there, and the copious amounts of disinfectant deployed at enormous expense. However, the problem persists. The BHS compound is obviously sick. Something is wrong. The previous attempts at a solution were half hearted at best and the results are there for all to see. No improvement! It seems as though we are throwing good money after bad. The Ministry’s demonstrated failure to appreciate the urgency of this matter must shame us all. Even worse, while the buildings languish, the teachers are penalized with public castigation and we hear threats of arbitrary and punitive reassignments, as part of what appears to be a settled government tactic of demonizing the teachers instead of addressing the problems with the building. Education policy is simply too important to be so mired in political games and caprice. I marvel at the inability of the government to understand how important a healthy and well-educated citizenry is to the success and prosperity of the Federation. People are hurting. People are falling ill. This is not the time to be rearranging political deckchairs and casting blame. This situation at BHS has already disrupted many lives and livelihoods, and it compromises the education of an entire generation of BHS students and will continue to threaten others if it is not properly addressed. Circumstances like these require the fullest attention of the government and full disclosure as well as rigorous application of the just principles of accountability and transparency. We need a more comprehensive and effective response to the situation at the BHS. The buildings need to be renovated extensively or the school relocated permanently, whichever is more expedient because the children are being disproportionately affected.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:13:43 +0000

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