Statements by Shia Scholars In the earliest Shia Tafseer (Quran - TopicsExpress


Statements by Shia Scholars In the earliest Shia Tafseer (Quran Interpretation) book, Al-Qummi (which is the source and base for all Shia Tafseer books) clearly states the belief of the Shiites regarding the authenticity of the Book of Allah, the Quan, saying: Therefore, part of the Quran is an Abrogator and Abrogated, part is clear (Muhkam) and part is ambiguous (Mutashabih), part is in the general context, and part is particularized, part of it was placed forward and part is placed in the rear, part of it is severed and part of is connected, part of it is a letter in a place of another, and part of it is contrary to the manner revealed by Allah. (Tafseer al-Qummi, Introduction, vol.1, p.17 ) In Al-Qummis Tafseer (Quran Interpretation, which is highly acclaimed by the majority Shia scholars, Shiite Sayyid Tayyib Musawi al-Jazairi, wrote in its Introduction: First: This Tafseer is the base of so many other Tafseer books. Second: The narrations contained therein are from the two Sadiqs [as] (Imam Abu Jafar & Imam Abu Abdallah) with the least number of middle narrators, hence, author of al-Thariah (ila Tasaanif Ash-Shia: Agha Buzurg At-Tahrani) said: In fact, it is the Tafseer of the two Sadiqs [as]. Third: The author lived during the era of Imam al-Hasan al-Askari [as]. Fourth: His father, who reported these narrations to his son, was a companion of Imam Rida [as]. Fifth: (the book) contains a wealth of knowledge on the virtues of Ahlul-Bayt [as] which their enemies attempted to remove from the Holy Quran. Sixth: (the book) took care of clearing the meaning of so many misunderstood verses through the guidance of Ahlul-Bayt, the Quran reciters. (Al-Qummis Tafseer) In another highly-regarded Shia Tafseer book is Tafseer of Al-Ayyashi, Al-Ayyashi was one of al-Kash-shis Sheikhs, and in the same rank of Al-Kulayni, as ranked by At-Tahrani in his al-Thariah vol. 4, p. 295. Al-Ayashi wrote in the introduction of his Tafseer, quoting the Shias Imam Abu Jafar: Maysar narrated from Abu Jafar [as]: If it wasnt for the adding and deleting in the Book of Allah, our right (in Imamah - leadership) wouldve been clear for anyone with a sound mind. (Tafseer al-Ayyashi, Muhammad bin Masoud al-Ayyashi, Introduction) Shia scholar, Sayyid Hashim At-Tubari Al-Bahrani, wrote in his Tafseer Al-Burhaan: Know, that the truth which there is no way around it, because of the traceable narrations (mutawatir), is that the Quran which we have in our hands today, has suffered some changes after the Messenger of Allah [pbuh]. Those who collected it after him, dropped and deleted many words and verses, and that the protected Quran from such changes and agreeable to the (true & original) revelation of Allah (Taala) is the one which was collected by Ali [as] and guarded until it reached his son Al-Hasan [as] and so on until it ended in the possession of Al-Qaim (Imam Mahdi) who has it with him today. Therefore, and in accordance with a clear narration which we will soon mention, when Allah (the Exalted) knew, in His perfect pre-knowledge, that such evil deeds will be perpetrated by those who mischief in Religion, that whenever they see a clear declaration against their interests but in favor of him (Ali) and his purified offspring [as] (children), they will change it immediately. When it was of His (Allahs) perfect Will and comprehensive Insight, to guard the issue of al-Imamah and Walayah, and to protect the aspects of the virtues of him (Ali) [as] and the Imams [as] in a manner that will be safe from corruption and distortion of people, but at the same time, keep to the people of truth the (hidden) meaning and maintain the charge, He (Allah) did not contend only with what was clear in His Glorious Book, but made the overwhelming majority of such declarations in accordance with the inner meanings and exegetic methods but within the framework of what the outer revelation leads to. He (Allah) further alluded to many of the proofs by way of indication and expression of signs and allegories, thus His proofs on the creation are established even after being deleted by those who deleted them after they were clear in the best manner. (Al-Burhaan fi Tafseer al-Quran: Sayyid Hashim At-Tubari Al-Bahrani, Introduction: the second premise, volume 1, p.36 and last paragraph, p. 49) Some of Shias scholars deny that Shias believe in Tahreef (Distortion of Quran) theory. However, such denials could be: (a) personal opinion of the scholar, or (b) an intentional attempt to deceive Sunni Muslims, justified by a well-known and frequently-used Shia doctrine called Taqiyya (which allows a Shiite to lie about his true beliefs or the beliefs of the Shia in general, to protect himself or to protect the Shia in general). A well-known Shia scholar says that Taqiyya is nine tenth of their religion, meaning 90% of their religion is based on lies & deception. Nevertheless, with more than 2000 evidences from Shias top scholars and top reference books supporting the Tahreef theory, we can easily conclude that the Tahreef is one of the main wicked beliefs of the Shia, that they attempt to conceal or deny using Taqiyyah. Shia scholar Nimatallah al-Jazairi states, he could not find a single narration from the Infallible Imams that proves the contrary (meaning that proves there is no Tahreef) . Abu Mansur Ahmed Tibrisi, a prominent Shiite scholar of the 8th century (H), wrote: Enumerating the distortions and omissions of this sort (from the present Quran) would become laborious and it will disclose what Taqiyyah (Shiite practice to conceal the truth for religious purposes) requires me not to disclose: the virtues of Allahs friends and the vices of His enemies. (AI-Ihtijaj by Tibrisi: 1:254) Mullah Muhsin Kashani, an 11th century Shiite scholar commented on the above quoted statement: It is clear from all of these traditions and quotations from the Family of the Prophet (s. a. w.) that the present Quran is not the complete Quran which was revealed to the Prophet (s. a. w.). In fact, there are verses that contradict what was revealed; verses that have been distorted and places where omissions have been made such as the names of Ali, the Family of Muhammad (s. a. w.) and, on several occasions, there were the names of the hypocrites. Moreover, the present order of the Quran (chapters) is not according to the preferred order of Allah and His Messenger. Ali ibn Ibrahim (a renowned Shia commentator) also holds this opinion. (Tafseer of Saafi: l:32) Shiite scholar, Mullah Baqir Majlasi says: .... traditions from the Elite (the Shia) and the Public (the Sunnis) regarding the omissions and alterations are Mutawatir (traceable), and logic dictates that if the Quran was separated and spread amongst people, then if a fallible (regular person) has tried to collect it, then it is highly unlikely that its collection would be complete and in compliance with the truth. However, there is no doubt that people are obliged to work with what is included in the Mushafs and to read it until Al-Qayem (Imam Mahdi) appears, and this is known through numerous traditions (mutawatir) from Ahlul Bayt and most traditions relating to this topic point to omission and alteration........... (Mirat Al-Uqool Vol 12 p. 525) However, according to Shia Scholar, Maqbools translation of the Quran, page 479, the word Yasiroon which appears in the Quran is in the active voice of Arabic language should have been been in the passive voice as Yusaroon which alters the meaning. In the footnotes of Maqbools translation, it is written that this word (Yasiroon) was changed from the passive voice to the active voice to suit the fancies of wine-loving Caliphs. Abu Mansur Ahmed Tibrisi, a prominent Shiite scholar of the 8th century (H), has written: Enumerating the distortions and omissions of this sort (from the present Quran) would become laborious and it will disclose what Taqiyyah (Shiite practice to conceal the truth for religious purposes) requires me not to disclose: the virtues of Allahs friends and the vices of His enemies. (AI-Ihtijaj by Tibrisi: 1:254) Mullah Muhsin Kashani, an 11th century Shiite scholar comments on the above quoted statement: It is clear from all of these traditions and quotations from the Family of the Prophet (s. a. w.) that the present Quran is not the complete Quran which was revealed to the Prophet (s. a. w.). In fact, there are verses that contradict that which was revealed; verses that have been distorted and places where omissions have been made such as the names of Ali, the Family of Muhammad (s. a. w.) and, on several occasions, there were the names of the hypocrites. Moreover, the present order of the Quran is not according to the preferred order of Allah and His Messenger. Ali ibn Ibrahim (a renowned Shia commentator) also holds this opinion. (Tafseer of Saafi: l:32) B. Narrations falsely attributed by Shia scholars & narrators to the Shia Imams regarding the Present Quran Shia narrator, Jabir, reported that he heard Imam Baqir saying: No one can claim that he has compiled the Quran as Allah revealed except a liar. The only person to compile it and memorise it according to its revelation was Ali ibn Abi Talib and the Imams who succeeded him. (Usul Kafi: 1:228) A man said that someone was reciting the Quran in the company of Imam Jafar (r.a.) . The (Shia) narrator said that he heard certain verses in the recitation which were not according to the recitation of the common people. Imam Jafar told the person reciting: Do not recite like this. Recite as the common people recite it until the (Imam) Mahdi arrives. When the (Imam) Mahdi arrives, he will recite the Quran according to its original revelation and the Quran compiled by Ali will be brought forward. (Usul Kafi: 2:622) Shia scholar, Ahmad ibn Abu Talib Tibirsi, narrates falsely on the authority of Abu Zarr al-Ghafari (R.A.): When the Holy Prophet passed away, Ali gathered the Quran and produced it to the Immigrants (the Muslims who immigrated from Mecca to Madina) and the Ansar (the people of Madina who supported Prophet Mohammad and became Muslims) as the Holy Prophet had bided him to do so. When Abu Bakr opened the first page, he found some denunciation of the Quraish tribe. At this, Umar leapt forward and said: O Ali, take it back for we are not in need of it. Ali took it back. Just then Zaid ibn Thabit, a prominent reciter of the Quran appeared, and Umar told him: Ali was here a short while ago with a Quran which despises the Immigrants and the Al-Ansar . I think we should compile such a Quran wherein all these aspects are omitted. Zaid agreed with him, but he added: Once I have completed the Quran according to this method and Ali sees it, will your version be not invalidated? Umar then asked: What trick should we employ then? Zaid replied: You know better of such tricks. At this, Umar said: There is no roundabout trick but to kill Ali and be relieved from him in this way. Umar then thought of having him killed by Khalid bin Al-Walid, but this plan failed. When Umar assumed the leadership of Muslims after some time, the people asked Ali to present his Quran. Umar asked him: O Ali, present the Quran which you showed Abu Bakr so that we may agree on it. At this, Ali said: This is not possible, I only showed it to Abu Bakr so that the proof may be established on you people, and so that you may not say on the day of Judgement: We were unaware of it, You did not produce it. The Quran in my possession will not be touched except by the pure, and the designated ones of my family. Umar asked: Is the time known when it will be presented. Upon this Ali replied: Yes, when the Saviour of Times (Shias Imam Mahdi) emerges, it will be presented and all the people will agree to it. (Al-Ihtijaj, Najaf, p. 225. Also see Tafsir al-Safi p. 11, and Fasl al-Khitab p. 7) Shia scholar, Kulaini, narrates that Imam Abu Abdulah said: Jibrail (Angel Gabriel) descended upon Muhammad with the following verse in this way: O people of the Book, bring forth what we have revealed regarding Ali, the magnificent light. (Usul al-Kafi, Indian edition, p. 680) Kulaini also narrated on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Nasr who said: Abu al-Hasan (Imam Ali) gave me a manuscript and told me to see what was written therein. I opened it, and under the verse Those who disbelieve... were written the names of seventy individuals ---- along with the names of their father. (Usul al-Kafi, Indian edition, p. 680) Allah says in verse 32 of Surah Al Imraan (Chapter 3): Certainly Allah has chosen Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imraan above the (families of the) worlds. Shia Scholar, Ali ibn Ibrahim AI-Qummi (one of the early Shiite commentators of the Quran) said concerning this verse: The Imam said: The phrase the family of Muhammad were also revealed along with the family of Al-Imraan. They (the Companions of prophet Mohammad s.a.w.) removed the phrase the family of Muhammad from the original text (of the Quran). (Al-Qummis commentary: p.308) Allah says in verse 115 of Surah Taha (Chapter 20): And We had given Adam an order before, but he forgot and We did not find any resolve in him (to disobey the order). However, according to Shias top reference book, Usul Kafi (Vol. 1: p. 416) and the footnotes of Shia scholar Maqbools translation of the Quran, p. 637, Imam Jafar is reported to have said that Allah had originally revealed this verse (Surah Taha, Verse 115) with the following words: We had ordered Adam before with some words about Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain and the Imams from their offspring, but he (Adam) forgot. According to these 2 Shia books (Usul Kafi and Maqbools translation of the Quran), Imam Jafar said: By Allah, these were the words which were revealed to Muhammad. Allah (God) says in verse 49 of Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12): Then a year will come in which people will be given abundant help and they will press grapes. In Shias AI-Qummis commentary, it is reported from Imam Jafar that someone recited this verse in the presence of Ali. Ali said: What will they press? Wine? The person asked how he should read the verse. Ali replied that the verse was revealed thus: Then a year will come in which people will he given abundant help and in which they will be given abundant rain. (Al-Qummis commentary: p. 192) Allah says in verse 9 of Surah Muhammad (Chapter 47): That is because they resented what Allah revealed, so Allah in turn cancelled their deeds. Shia Scholar AI-Qummi states that Imam Muhammad Baqir said that Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) had transmitted this verse as: That is because they resented what Allah revealed about Ali. But then the (Prophet Mohammads) Companions removed Alis name (from the Quran). (Al-Qummis commentary: p. 1011)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:13:37 +0000

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