Statistic: in a recent survey (mine) four people in fifty, all of - TopicsExpress


Statistic: in a recent survey (mine) four people in fifty, all of whom said they were dead certain that global warming was a lie, were unable to say way the term dew point means. Concerning a weather report concluded by saying there was a fifty percent chance of rain, NONE were able to say how the conclusion was related to the barometric pressure, dew point, and other data appearing on the television screen. NONE were able to spell Coriolis (effect) correctly. ALL failed to solve a VERY simple calculus equation basic to global warming modeling. Recently (a few day ago), someone writing to me began a detailed analysis of violence in the U.S. with a logical fallacy (that of non sequitur and undistributed middle), then proceeded to conclusion. He was correct in the conclusion, but obviously had no basis logical or mathematical (nothing of the kind was so much as hinted at...) for that except the opinions of others (in this case, and entirely, news media or computer link). One can watch television for days and weeks without seeing that pattern varied. The initial fallacy is often that of Bare Assertion (please look it up), but that of False Premise and the like have become de rigueur. I think the reason is, with a little thought, apparent: time was (my youth and for a short time thereafter) when the individual like the farmers and ranchers among whom I worked and lived were obliged when faced with any proposition, problem, or difficulty to repair to his own mind for information and solution(s). He might call a neighbor or friend, but dealing with the reality of the matter was up to him. The library was a ways away, and experts cost money. He couldnt link with a computer and get answers (as non compos mentis as they are today, even...). The result was known then as common sense, and in most communities a certain individual - almost invariably a man (think about the reasons - its instructive) - was known for his common sense. And he would probably be that friend others called regarding their problems. All - a very large, and crucial part of it, anyway - of that is gone now. Todays common sense has its basis in quiet another world of experience. Most of what one must repair to is outside himself. He relies almost entirely up others, and those are people who might not even BE people. He has little or no ability to solve problems and deal with difficulties by way of his own mind (in fact, for decades, he was counseled and warmed repeatedly be television and information media - those other people, in case you missed it - against the dangers of doing so). So, we are a nation now dependent. We are dependent upon those likewise dependent (and if you notice the analogy of the blind leading the blind, you may not be too far gone for recovery). And we are not doing things, courses of action so wrong-headed and asinine that to one like me are absolutely mind-boggling. Watching todays television, with those leaders, experts, and analysts - PhDs all over the place (some, even, have written BOOKS!) - beginning their harangue with logical fallacy, proceeding to math and statistics that ought embarrass a middle schooler is like hearing the captain of the airliner youre on confess at 30,000 feet that he drunk - and lost. FUBAR takes on new meaning every day.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:52:55 +0000

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