Statistics have shown that the U.S Gov. spends the American Tax - TopicsExpress


Statistics have shown that the U.S Gov. spends the American Tax Payers money at a rate of $15,700 PER SECOND. Now keep in mind that in Annual spending these percentages are just ridiculous amounts of money. 45% goes to Major entitlements (i.e: Health Care and Social Security) Every 1/10th of a second $300 goes to the Department of Defense and National Intelligence (CIA NSA etc). Now, our country is estimated to be $17 trillion dollars in national debt(17-000-000-000-000) NOT TO MENTION the estimated $100 trillion (100-000-000-000-000) in debt liabilities. This is where my blood starts boiling because statistics show that 1%, ONE PERCENT of our tax money is spent on The American Educational System. Where other countries such as Norway, Sweden, Germany etc (which are so well off that pregnant women can take the entire nine months of their pregnancy off work while still acquiring half payed salary) has upwards of 15%-25%. My very serious question is, why do we spend a fraction of a fraction on the very fundamental building aspects for a successful nation? Why do we spend millions upon billions for Heroin addicts to go down to MHMR to claim Mental Disability for their addictions, and not spending more money towards our schools, our teachers and more importantly our students! A teacher has to go through just as much schooling as a doctor does but yet they make a pin head size salary in comparison with a doctor. America is so far in the hole that any attempts to make our economy better just makes it worse! Our Gov. really needs to take a good hard look at themselves, their country and everyone in it. Serious changes need to be made and Im sure a very good percentage of America, and the rest of the world would agree with me.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:55:03 +0000

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