Statistics show that 10 out of 10 people die. That’s 100%. What - TopicsExpress


Statistics show that 10 out of 10 people die. That’s 100%. What that means, is that 120 years from now, everyone reading this post will not be here. So, have you given any thought as to what happens after we die? Since the odds are not in our favor, this is a very legitimate question to be asking. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 (KJV) 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: That means, after we leave this world, we will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for our lives. For those who have ever had to stand in front of an earthly judge, you know it is a surreal feeling to know the man seated before you in the courtroom has your fate in his hand. Just imagine how much more intense this feeling will be to stand before God Almighty and try to explain why you did not accept His gift of eternal life, and know He has the power to cast you into a Lake of Fire for all eternity. Have you ever wanted to be rich? Have you ever wanted to have enough money to pay off all your bills, and the bills of your friends and loved ones, and still have enough money to live comfortably? I mean after all, this is why we have jobs, right? We want to have a comfortable retirement. Well, why have you never robbed a bank? I mean, wouldn’t that be a faster, quicker, and easier solution to financial freedom? You would not rob a bank, because you know 4 things would happen to you… 1. You would be arrested. 2. You would have to stand trial before a judge. 3. That judge would convict you with overwhelming evidence. 4. You WOULD be punished for the crime. These are the laws of men that we live by every day, and have come to accept them for fact. However, did you know that God’s Kingdom also operates off a similar system of Laws? They are called the 10 Commandments. And if we break just ONE of these Commandments, God has already told us that we would be punished with a death sentence and face the eternal flames of hell for all eternity. God is a just God, and He will always keep His Word, because He is not a liar. But it doesn’t have to be this way… God the Father did something for us, so that we would not have to be separated from Him for all eternity. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. If we did rob that bank, or did something punishable by death on this earth, and the judge was just about to pound his gavel down, but someone burst into the courtroom at the last minute and said, “Wait judge! I will take the punishment for this person!” Wouldn’t we be a fool to pass that up? Well then, why do you not accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, since that is exactly what He did for you? Jesus said in Mark 16:16 (KJV) 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. The Word of God also says in Romans 10:13 (KJV) 13 For WHOSOEVER (That means anybody, no matter what you’ve ever done!) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Quit playing games with your eternity. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ today, and repent of your sins. We would be foolish to let this incredible gift slip through our fingers…
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 00:23:19 +0000

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