Stats and tips from Forbes teens who are looking to go to college - TopicsExpress


Stats and tips from Forbes teens who are looking to go to college should consider. The wealth loss will be greater for households with larger-than-average levels of student debt: students from low-income families, students of color, and for-profit students. * Average student debt also varies widely by the race of graduates. For the class of 2008, 80 percent of African American graduates left school with debt, compared to 67 percent of Latinos, 65 percent of whites, and 54 percent of Asian Americans. African Americans also graduated with higher levels of debt, leaving with an average of more than $28,000 in student loan debt, nearly $4,000 more than the average graduate. * Find more paid internships. These programs are notorious for making students work like dogs without any pay. Paid internships should be on the top of your list (WYMAN). Tell your congressman we need a federal program to support them either through tax credits or direct subsidies. * Community Colleges are still your best educational value. Most four-year colleges require basic courses that can be taken at community colleges at a fraction of the cost. If a student does well in them at the local level, they can transfer to a university to finish their B.A. and cut the cost of a degree almost in half. Remember that there’s no room-and-board and minimal transportation cost at a community college, so the savings are significant.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 17:46:33 +0000

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