Status Update By Pegs Prayer Request List Prayer Request - TopicsExpress


Status Update By Pegs Prayer Request List Prayer Request 07/14/14 Peggy Lawrence Whalen Prayer is more than a is a resolve of holy ambition to Glorify God. Pray for Gods wisdom in all aspects of your life. Allow Him to lead you in your decisions and actions and your life will be all it can be and more. As you pray for those listed on this prayer list I urge you to pray not only for their health needs but also for their Spiritual needs. Pray believing and it will be done, never doubt God for His plan is always best. To God be all the Glory. INFORMATION:**Disclaimer: at bottom of page! If you need anyone added Ill be glad to add them. Please pray for all listed on this prayer list. The prayer warriors that use this list are very powerful in their prayer life and I know from experience what powerful prayer can do for you. May God bless each one that uses this list for the good of Gods people.Please understand I put in this post exactly what I am asked to put in or what is posted on Facebook already. I do not Makeup my own posts. ATTENTION******I have taken all those with cancer an placed them in a list unless they have a treatment upcoming that I know about or a problem going on you will find them listed before the shut ins. Please check there each day for new additions. Thank You. DEATHS Please be in much prayer for the family and friends of Brittany Depew (she was one of Debbie Hurleys students), who had been battling leukemia for 5 years now. She also had Downs Syndrome and was a lovely young lady. Pray for her family also, for strength as they have continued to fight this battle with her. She lost her battle 7/11/14 and God gained another beautiful angel. Please pray for the family and Friends of Jan Christian who passed away 7/11/14. Please pray for her husband, sons and those who were blessed to know her as they mourn their loss. Heavens gain Please pray for the family and friends of Okla Motley who passed away. Please pray for the family of Gary Hollis who lost his brother to cancer Please pray for the family and friends of Pastor Steve Alford who passed away 7/10/2014. Funeral services will be 11:00 AM, Monday, July 14, 2014 at the New Bethel Baptist Church, 2022 Verona - Mudlick Rd., Verona, KY 41092. Visitation will be 4:00 - 8:00 PM Sunday at the New Bethel Baptist Church. Memorials are suggested to benefit the South Family Resource Youth Center Weekend Backpack Meal Program in Falmouth, KY c/o Gumlick Baptist Church, Gerald Galloway, 131 Austin Drive, Crittenden, KY 41030. Please remember the Taylor family from Elizabethtown in your prayers. In two weeks time they lost a daughter in a car accident when a drunk driver hit the car she was driving and a son in an accident on an ATV causing a traumatic brain injury. Please continue to keep the families of all those that have recently passed in your prayers. Help their loved ones through the coming days with your prayers. PRAISE FOR POSITIVE ANSWERED PRAYERS: Praise God for Answered prayer for my second cousin Mary Ann Adams brother in-law John Wes Adams who collapsed while running 6/28. His heart stopped and cpr was performed by his running companions and EMTs and got it started again. He is out of the Coma, talking, no brain damage no heart damage. Doctors implanted a defibrillator to help with his diagnosed Athletes Heart. He will be walking out of the hospital tomorrow. This can only be by the grace of God. Give God all the glory. Thanks for praying Prayer Warriors you did an awesome job. God heard every one. Probably 3 or more lives were saved by the donation of Austin Minceys organs. Praise God for his parents generous and loving nature. Praise God for answered prayer for Karen Coldiron Colson. PRAYERS: Pray for all of those who have fought and protected our freedom in the past and now. Also pray for the families of these people as they have sacrificed much too. Please pray for Iseral Please pray for safe travel: WILLIAMSTOWN ARCHERY TEAM is headed to Madison Wisconsin also pray for a wonderful tournament. May God bless each one of these young people who made it this far and may they know how proud their county is to be represented by them. Please pray for Williamstown Baptist Church as we undergo some changes. May God lead us as we proceed.As most of you know we are in search of a new Pastor. Please pray for June Beach who is going to have a total knee replacement. .Her surgery was July 14.God Bless You Junie! Please pray for Huey Norman who fell and broke his ankle badly. The bone protruded through the skin. He had surgery and now has a plate and screws in the ankle and must keep weight off it for 8-10 weeks. If you know Huey you know this in itself requires a lot of prayer. Please continue to pray for my father in-law Gilbert Whalen who is not doing well. He is home from the hospital but his heart is very weak and he is battling kidney failure. His compliance is extremely important so please include that in your prayers Please pray for Bill Cull he has had a tractor accident we know he has a few broken ribs and a broken Hip,. Doctors did surgery to remove subdural hematoma (blood clot) from the brain around 4 AM 7/1 and Bill made it through .They took the drainage tube out this(7/11) morning as the fluid collection seems to have subsided. He has developed blood clots in both legs which is always possible after surgery so he is on medications for them. They are hoping to move him to inpatient rehab in Lexington tomorrow.7/15 Its estimated that he will spend anywhere from 1 month to 3 months there. He will have to learn to walk, eat, and do daily activities again.Anyone that knows Papa knows how stubborn and determined he is! I have faith that he will pull through just fine! Please pray for Daniel Brewer and his family. He was in a terrible motorcycle accident & was air cared to the hospital ( UC I suspect). His daughter says he has major injuries. Daniel is the son of our Facebook friend Debbie Brewer.Today it was discovered that even though most of his injuries are left side his right hip is also broken. He has had a rod placed in his left leg and multiple screws in his ankle and arm. He has had 6 surgeries,but is now awake and smiling. Pray for continued improvement. He will hopefully be going to Gateway for Rehab according to Debbie. Please pray for Bob Hendricks who was admitted to St E Edgewood after suffering seizures. Also pray for Mijean Hendricks who became ill while at the hospital with Bob and had to be admitted, but it was hopeful she would get home 7/13. Please pray for Ruby Vallandingham as she has been admitted to St E Edgewood after suffering some confusion. Please pray for Ali Rich as she embarks on her mission trip 7/14. May God watch over the team as they do His work Prayer is asked for the Mission team that is in Haiti from Sherman. Please pray for Dottie Craigmyle who is in extreme pain with her back Please pray for Debbie Mulfords sister Monk who is sick. Please pray for Pat Chidester who injured her toe on a shopping cart. She also had an injection in her shoulder today (7/10) Please continue to pray for Chris Whitey Caldwell as he continues to heal from that procedure he had done on his back. Please keep Jackie Caldwell in your prayers as he recovers from and ATV accident Please pray for Utha Simpson who is hospitalized at UC. Please pray for Randy who has MOHS surgery July 14th for a place on his face. Please continue prayers for Seth Matt! He had Surgery on June 4th @ Cinti Childrens. He is home now and has active therapy 3 x a week at Childrens.Today they went to bigger wedges which means improvement. Please pray for Barb who will be traveling to Gatlinburg. Please pray for Tiffany Wiggington Carnal who is still having health issues . Please pray for Judy Johnson who is ill and in the hospital. Please say a prayer for my Mom as she is not feeling very well. Please pray for Linda Moore who had surgery on her back a few weeks ago and still is having problems. Please pray for Bill Whaley who had a valve replaced by a totally new procedure 6/30 at Christ Hospital. He has been transferred to Gateway Rehabilitation Facility, Merchants Drive , Florence, KY. Please pray for Josephine Phipps who will have Orthoscopic surgery on her knee July 17th. Please pray for Sarah Middleton as she and her husband await the birth of their second son. This request comes to me via Jamie Dunn: Please be in prayer prayer warriors, I have an unspoken request. God knows the need, the pain, but most of all the outcome is already in his hands. I am asking for prayer for a sister who is in deep emotional pain. Thanks prayer warriors! Please pray for Adam and Mallory Meade that all goes well throughout this pregnancy and delivery. Also pray for them as the day of capping and removing Cales trach is coming up soon. Pray for Jennie Farwell, who is a member of our church, at Health South. She suffered a fall two weeks ago and is having therapy Please pray for Donald Kannady who has a lot on his heart and mind. Please pray for Shirley Masters, mother of Pat Caldwell, who has been diagnosed with Cancer. Pray for a cure and Gods Will to be done and peace for Pat! Please say a special prayer for Shirley as she had Thyroid surgery .She is now in Grant Manor for a little while. Please pray for Jewel Clifton Mother of Doug Clifton,Carolyn Horn and Kay Jump Please pray for Charity Cannon and Kenner McClelland who have broken thumb and arm respectively. Please pray for Ken Hams Mother in Australia. She broke her pelvis. Please be in prayer for Karla Watkins. She has a kidney stone that she has been trying to pass for several days Please pray for Monica Schnieder who is once again taking treatment for cancer. A few more spots were found on her liver and one on her kidney is a little larger so she will take a couple of rounds of treatment. She will beat this again with your help. Please pray hard. Monica got home from the hospital today 7/9. Her cat scan showed dense pneumonia,but no cancer praise God. Keep praying please. Please be praying for Keith Webster; he is Linda Winingers neighbor. Keith has kidney stones. Your prayers for Keith at this time are greatly appreciated. Please pray that Amandas SRNA Certificate comes in the mail soon so she can get a full time job soon. They have until 7/21 before we can complain. Please pray it comes before that. Be in prayer for Elaine Caniff and her family as her sister is gravely ill. Please continue to pray for Rebecca Ailstock. A spot showed up again on her MRI . Pray that it is the effect of treatment and not tumor regrowth. Please pray for Debbie & Danielle who are having really bad headaches. Please pray for my friend Debs husband who is waiting to see a neurologist, but cannot get in until July 11. Pray no stroke or anything else occurs before he is seen.Also pray for Jeffs visit to the Ortho doctor on 7/22 as he has a torn meniscus. Pray for strength for Debbie that she can keep going through all of the appointments and trials. After all that Deb and Danielle are also headed to Wisconsin for the Archery tournament. Prayers for Keagan Yates who retook the Praxis. Pray all went well Pray for Johnny Bill Renaker. Please pray for Dirk & Allie McComas & their family as they move to Hawaii where Dirk will be stationed. Also pray for their families as this is a long distance from home. Keep Dave Rice in your prayers as he heals from quadruple by pass surgery. Please pray for Bob (Randall Dooleys dad) who had a trailer fall on him and he has a knot on his head and is bleeding through his eye. Please be praying for Louise McIntyre (Dana Powells mother), who has been dealing with numerous health issues and is currently undergoing emergency neck surgery. Pray for Matt Wessell as he has moved to Villa Springs from Gateway for the next phase of rehab. Thanks for all the prayers Please say extra prayer for Bea Iseral. She needs them now more than ever before. Please pray for Ashley Brown as he tore a muscle away from his shoulder and has consult for possible surgery on Monday. He cant take narcotics for pain so he needs prayer especially for the pain. Pray for Katie Baldwin, Julies moms sister- she is 91 and has had a stroke and has pneumonia. She is in critical condition in Alabama. Pray for Julies mom, Frances Bowles, who fell again over the weekend. She seems to be doing okay except for some soreness in her side.Pray for Julies brother, Curtis Maddox Please pray for Becky Tolle who is in the hospital with stage 4 cancer. Please pray for Tonya and Dan, friends of Lyn Burnett Lower who have both had surgery and have both had complications from their surgeries. Please pray for Mike Parker who had gastric weight loss surgery and is now home recuperating. Please continue to pray for Calvin Crupper. He & Diana Morgan met with a Neurosurgeon at Cleveland Clinic. A process has begun to set up a surgical date to remove a tumor from the pituitary gland. Calvin is doing good. Pray for Jean Bowen (Mitchs mom) as she continues her treatments for cancer. Please continue to pray for Chad Cruey. He is improving but is still having tests. Please pray for Evie Mann Gripshover who is experiencing serious health issues. Pray for quick healing so she can move on with her life. Pray for Lisa Vickers as she continues her treatments Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle Devin Still, his daughter has cancer and would like fans to keep her in their prayers Pray for Karen Iseral who had surgery and is healing at home. I have an anonymous prayer request . God knows who it is for and why. STACEY SNOWS GREAT NEPHEW AUSTIN WAS IN HORRIBLE WRECK ..His neck is broken. He is paralized from the neck down Please put him in your prayers. Please pray for Luke Landrum who is experiencing some rejection of his transplanted heart. Please pray for Beannas grandsons. May God intervene on behalf of these young boys.Pray someone will have the courage to speak out for Zack and the boys. Please pray for Ray Lilly who is having some health issues. Please pray for Joe Kyde to have an excellent 2nd interview with Lego in Denmark. Please pray for Connie Thornton who is having both knees replaced. The first one is to take place around the first of June. She is in extreme pain. Please pray for Linda Daugherty as she seeks help for her colon problem that may or may not involve surgery.She is seeing the best in Cincinnati. Please add Wayne Joyce to prayer list, this is Sherry Shipps friend Pams brother, just diagnosed with liver cancer. Pray for Walter Sasher who is having medical issues. Please pray for Zoe. She is away from home for 6 weeks, alone and probably scared. Pray she will open up to someone and some good will come out of this. May God intervene in this situation and justice be served, Gods justice. Please pray for a revival that Joe Chamberlain is planning for next June. Theres a lot to be arranged and done between now and then so a lot of prayers are needed. Pray for Gods blessings on this endeavor. Please pray for Barbara Chamberlain. She is beginning chemo again tomorrow 7/14/14. Barbara has put her whole body and life in Gods hands a decision she says she has never felt better about. Please pray hard for my friend for she is a very special lady! When I spoke to her today she said she has already beaten all the odds by Gods hands so now anytime He gives her is an extra gift. Please continue to pray mightily and show the world what our Lord can do. Our God rules everything even Cancer. Please pray for Donnie Sechrest Please pray for Fern Workman as she is having severe back pain with fx of vertebrae and needs surgery/treatments. Please keep Josh Ison in your prayers who now knows he is a diabetic and must learn a new lifestyle and eating habits. Please pray for those of us with Fibromyalgia during this weather period when storms pop up. The quickly changing weather causes quick onsets of extreme pain and migraines for us. Pray for Evonnes sister in law who fell and broke some bones on opposite sides of her body Please pray for Donnie Cannon.She is in so much pain she cant sleep. Please pray for Donnie as she has been referred to a spine specialist Pray for an unspoken request regarding children. Pray for Danny Tackett. The doctors found lesions on his lung . Please pray for Sandy Jump Lanter Cook. Pray for Jerry Luttrell He is having trouble with breathing. Please remember in prayer Mary McClure who lost her daughter Kathy to cancer, now her daughter Lori has been diagnosed with cancer. Please be in prayer for Lisa True who has a muscle disease. Please pray for James Thomas as he has a medical concern. Please pray for Mike Burgess . He is in the Hosp. in Tampa. Possible Heart, possible COPD, needs to lose 100 lbs and has Diabetes. They are running tests but no definitive diagnosis yet. Pray for Renee and her kids Pray for Jeff Sydnor Pray for Glenn and Phyllis Baker. Glen has several major medical problems and Phyllis is his caretaker. They have had a difficult winter and are still having major medical issues. Please pray for Debbie Morris Brown who is in constant pain. The doctors have told her there is nothing more they can do,but hopefully there are options out there to be explored. Pray that when she does look into them an answer can be found.Please also pray for pain relief. Pray for Jackson as he fights on. He didnt go to sleep at all because he had a bad headache. He cried and would grind his teeth all night. He is still very uncomfortable and was throwing up this morning. He had surgery this afternoon to have his new shunt placed. Hopefully that will relieve some of his headaches. Please pray for Linda Goodman that she will be walking by September.Prayers please. Isaac Goodman is having other medical issues and surgery may be needed that will put him out of work for a year and will involve a lot of sedation.Prayers of praise and anticipation that Linda will walk again as her neurosurgeon says her body was attacking itself and therapy can begin to correct this. Pray for Barb Kincade. The doctors removed her knee cap and sent her home in a wheelchair for about two months or so then they will have to do another surgery to replace the knee cap. Pray all of the infection clears up also. Pray for Belinda Lovell. She has several health issues. Pray for a gentleman named David who has a nervous disorder. Pray for Patty (Julies friends niece). She is having delicate surgery because of a mass on her optic nerve and she could lose her sight. Please pray for Joni Pelfrey. She had some surgery for her dialysis. She needs prayers for a transplant.Pray for Joni Pelfrey as she starts her dialysis Please pray for Helen Pickett as she continues chemo for her cancer. Pray for Rebekah Bradshaw Gregory, who was a spectator at the Boston Marathon,.She still has a long way to go including possible amputation. Her Ortho doctor wants to try one more BIG surgery to try and save the leg and foot before having to amputate and even though she was prepared to set the date to amputate Rebekah has agreed to the one more BIG surgery.Pray that this decision gives the surgeons the one chance they need to save the leg and foot.Pray as she recovers from this BIG surgery. Please pray for Christine that God will lead her to His pathway for her.Pray that she can get things squared away and get back home for Wyatts sake Pray for Gene Rowland. He is a patient at Grant Manor and is getting weaker daily. Pray for Rexs sister, Grace Ann who broke her neck and is in a tremendous pain. Please pray for Randy Lower who has been diagnosed with Lung and Kidney Cancer and is now taking Chemo.Please continue prayer, Randy takes chemo 3-4 hours in the mornings then goes straight to radiation treatment.Praise God the Benefit was a success. Update on your friend Will Smith! Prayers are working!! He is still not conscious after nearly drowning , but a test report from an MRI was very encouraging for the Dr and family!! Please keep lifting this little boy and his family up in constant prayer!! Please keep John Went in your prayers. Please continue to pray for Ty Taylor and Ashton Taylor. Pray for Mabel Doolin as she deals with her serious medical issues. Pray for Georgia Huff, baby daughter of Jessica Blackburn Huff who is a preemie. Please pray for Teresa Shaw, wife of Coach Shaw of Carrollton who has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray that quick treatment and lots of prayer will bring about a complete cure. Please say Prayers for Anita Duncans daughter Kim who had a heart attack . She has two artery blockages. Keep her children also in your prayers. Pray for Shannon Ashers step brother. He was working yesterday and a tree fell on him. He broke his neck and has a punctured lung. Pray for everyone who is having a battle with drug addiction within their family or personally. Pray for Jake who had brain surgery and was told they got it all. He is back at Childrens. Please pray for Coach Carl Wenderoth, Dina and Niki Rae. Debbie Brewer could use our prayers as she takes treatments for Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. It is rare but if you are going to have breast cancer this is one of the better ones.At least with this type of cancer with the surgery and treatments she has a chance of seeing her grandchildren grow up. Please say lots of prayers for her. Please pray for Norma Holt who lost her arm in a work accident on 11/7.She is going back to the hosp to have more of her arm taken off up past her elbow Tuesday Please keep her in your prayers. The burns on her legs are very painful. Please pray for Reverend Billy Graham. Please pray for Tammy Smith, retired Simon Kenton Art teacher.Shes now in the Long Term Acute Care unit at St. Elizabeth in Ft. Thomas. Her husband explained that there is infection in her brain and has been for quite a while. She has had limited improvement from antibiotic therapy,she has had 2 strokes and is very malnourished. They will be doing frequent MRIs to monitor her and if there continues to be no improvement,they will be stopping treatment. He didnt give a time frame for this.Please pray for the entire family. Please pray for Carla Kings cousins 14 year old son who has just received a diagnosis of having 4 inoperable brain tumors. Pray Pray Pray! Please pray for Treva Young, Lisa Schawes Mom, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. Please join me in praying for Andrew Clark. He is 1 year clean and sober, drug free. He now lives in a drug free house and is doing well, he still has a long way to go as everyday is still a battle to fight, but he is fighting and winning day by day. Keep praying. Please pray for Michelle Bohman who has been diagnosed with Sjögrens syndrome which is a chronic progressive autoimmune disorder and Fibromyalgia. Please pray for Ray Day. 4207 Wingrove Dr. Arlington,TX 76015 CARDS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED Please be in prayer for Ray Brewer. Ray is very weak from his battle with Cancer. UPDATE: Rays kidneys are failing and his heart is enlarged, doctors have said there is nothing more they can do for him.. Please be in prayer for Ray! Please remember Tim Tolle oldest son of Sherry and Donald. He has diabetes and has struggled for 17 years now and we ask you pray believing for total healing In his body. Please pray for Raymond Swathwood he has a very rare cancer called C.T.C.L. there are so few with this type of cancer that treatment is very hard and the one that they have been doing is now beginning to fail. This is very painful as it involves the blood, skin, bone marrow, and lymp nodes. He has been on chemo for a year Please pray for Nancy Taylor (friends of Gene & Irene Willoughby) . They live at 2145 Golds Valley Road, Dry Ridge, KY 41035. Please pray for Maurice & Glenna Webster. Kindly remember them daily in your prayers if you would both are suffering failing health.Glenna Webster had a stroke. They live @ 205 S.W. First Street, Webster, Florida 33597. Truman Pelfrey, is suffering from dementia Please kindly send him a get well card as well as pray for him and our family. His address is: Truman Pelfrey, Eastgate Care Spring, Room 169-1, 4400 Glen Este-Withamsville Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45245. Pray for Lindy who was injured in skiing accident. Please pray diligently for this young woman she has a baby she wants to hold and love on and with hard work and determination and Gods grace maybe she will. Please pray for a lady named Heather and her family. Her husband had a major car accident a few years back and has a brain injury. He was just diagnosed with AML (Leukemia). The prognosis is 40% survival. Please pray for Norma & Zemmer Hammond as they are going through terrible times in their family. May God guide them through all of this. I spoke with this sweet lady and your prayers are truly appreciated. Pray for Denny Lowe. He has been diagnosed with Gillian-barresyndrome which attacks the nervous system. Banks Ready HE WAS IN A REAL BAD CAR ACCIDENT A FEW MONTHS GO AND WENT INTO REHAB IN TENN . HE HAS BRAIN ISSUES. Im still praying for you, Malakai Work, wherever you are! God willing we will see you again.Until then I pray for your safety and well being. Please pray for old friends that touch your heart and mind may God hold them close and keep them safe until you meet again. CANCER: Please pray for the following people( names listed as I have bee given them) who in an ongoing battle with cancer of some kind. They may be taking chemo or radiation. Pam Linda Jones, Mary Ann Walthers niece. Barbara Chamberlain another round of chemo Garry Conrad Dale Garman Josiah, a 2 year old boy Karin Marksbury Sharon Marksberry Jim Linn Roberta who lives in West Virginia Dave Carnoham Marie Jones Karen McWilliams Ted Insko Steve Pettit Chris Kruger, son of Brenda Wilson Paula Jackson Steve Cooper,son in-law of Florence Lanter,husband of Carla Teresa Daugherty Jamie Storer James Tucker Rosie Goldstein Caroline Wood Grace Black 13600 Quail Hallow Lane, Midothian, VA 23112. Laura Goers Sandy True wife of Bobby True Tammy Covey Harry Cheesman Grace Singler,3086 West Tower Ave.,Cincinnati, OH 45238 Jackie Rogers Debbie Deweyne Nantz Bonnie Harper J.J. Jones Anthony Pettit William Allen Stewart Steve Jenkins Bea Iseral Gene Rowland Brittany Depew Howard Spahr Penny Louis Mabel Doolin sick from chemo treatment Sherry Isaacs, Pam Ashcraft101Williamsburg Square,Williamstown,KY41097 Deborah Brewer.Invasive Mucinous Carcinoma. Leeza McComas Emily Blevins Ira Wells treatments for prostrate cancer.Pray for Ira Wells as he continues to fight his cancer. Nick Sawchuck Shasta Burwinkel Jean Bowen colon cancer Dalton Naranjo leukemia Randy Lower Kidney & Lung Cancer taking chemo Dale McKitrick lung cancer Mary Ann OHara Cook cancer has returned Diane Harrison( cousin of Marietta) Helen Pickett Sven Lebo Leukemia Ray Brewer Monica Schneider Jake Brayden Herman House prostate Cancer Mr Thompson brain Tumor George Wolley. cancer Wayne Joyce, Liver Cancer Brittany Depew, Leukemia Cathy Geer , Leukemia Jason VanHook, Leukemia Lori McClure, cancer Wayne Joyce, liver cancer Jewell Clifton, Lung Cancer SHUT INS: Helen Ammerman-Jewell Martin-Jennie Farwell-Mary Lena Estridge-Kathy Juett Richardson-Katherine Hammond-Connie Wright-Nell Lawrence-Debbie Taylor-Inez Valentine-Virginia Gilpen-Willena Whaley-Holton Smith-Gena Davis-Betsy Greenley111 Rogers Park Drive Apartment 8, Cynthiana, Ky 41031Frances Stanley-June Griffin-Noah Combs NURSING HOME: Grant Manor address: 201 Kimberly Dr., Williamstown, KY 41097 Arlene Ecklar@ Grant Manor-Wilma Greene@ Grant Manor- Shirley Taylor@ Grant Manor- Anna Eldridge@ Grant Manor-Dona Taylor@ Baptist Convalesent Center, Newport, Ky Juanita Hedges@ Jewel Knights- Bill Rich@ Jewel Knights- Geisela Smith@ Jewel Knights, Eibeck Lane, Williamstown, Ky 41097-Rosella Scroggins@ Robertson Health Care, Rt # 2 US HWY 62, Mt Olivet , Ky 41064-Alice Schwartz (mother of Bill Schwartz)@St Elizabeth Medical Center Bishop Hughes Pavillion ), Donna Taylor@Harborside Rehabilitation Facility,7300 Woodspoint Drive, Florence, KY 41042.Norma Sharpe@Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Dr., Erlanger, KY 41018,Matt Wessell@ Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018, Jerry Luttrell@ Villa Springs Nursing Center, 630 Voxx Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018..Dave Shuler @ Bridgeport Care& Rehabilitation Center 7300 Woodspoint Drive, Room 109, Florence, Ky 41042 Rondell Kinman@Florence Park, 6975 Burlington Pike Florence, KY 41042 ...Tommy & Brenda Roland@Owenton Center, Genesis Healthcare, 905 Hwy 127 North, Owenton, KY 40359-9302...Carrollton assisted Living - Ray Berger. Betsy Greenley @ Cedar Ridge Nursing Home, 1217 US Highway 62 E , Cynthiana, KY 41031. SERVICE MEN & WOMEN: AFGHANISTAN Adam Jenkins Josef Cummins Greg Adams Chuck Riley-Behran, Afghanistan GUAM PV2 Barry Baxter HAWAII Tyler Black KOREA SFC Sanders, Stephen B., PV2 McComas, Jacob ,Cody Goers, Marine STATESIDE Sgt Velosky, Joshua ,Kyle Taylor-Key West, FL,1 LT David C Hale ,Mike Parker,SSF Shelton, Rodney Louis Veneziano-Kansas,PVT. Josh Crupper -New York ,Collins, Christopher-KY,PFC JON Rourk-OH Dillon Pelfrey ,SSG Josh Henry- Arkansas ,Dirk McComas- KY,ONeal Steven A ,Ricky Barton, CA CPL Perkins, Jordan K Middle East /Sea GSM 1 Conrad, Kyle Djibouti, Africa SSG Kenneth J Wininger SPECIAL NEEDS: Continue to pray for Jerry & Brenda Luttrell, Kenneth Cox, Bunny Gambrell, Linda Coulson Bishop, Francis Bowles, Joyce Chaney, Treva Brown, Bill & Betty Kemper, Bear & Kay Bryant, Larry Watson, Larry Sebastian, Kenny & Dana Sebastian and Barb Kincaid. Charlie Conrad Memorials are suggested to the Dry Ridge Baptist Church or the Grant County 4H, 105 Baton Rouge Rd., Williamstown, KY 41097. Flowers in memory of Mr. Conrad will be planted in a family memorial garden on the family farm. Elliston - Stanley Funeral Home, 500 N. Main St., Williamstown, KY 41097. We need to continue to pray for some young men who are struggling with drug addiction. Pray they get the desire within themselves to want to get help. Pray for the parents as they go through this ordeal with their sons. Ruth MacAdams Riley I would like to have our troups prayed for as they are always being sent into harms way! I would also like to pray for our students, they are challenged daily by their peers and want them to stay strong in their beliefs and their faith! Pray for Diane Records who needs employment. She lost her job at the Gap where she worked for 20yrs. Pray for me as I begin a personal journey that could take a long time, but should have many valuable rewards for my health. Please say a prayer for Richie Farmer who made several mistakes during his role as leader of the Ky Department of Agriculture and now will be serving a prison term of 27 months. Pray he will learn from this sentence and God will heal his life. Pray for his 3 young children and his family as they endure this with him. Rhonda Barnes Memorials suggested to St E Hospice, 483 South Loop Road, Edgewood, KY 41017. Lana Hensley Johnson..Memorial Contributions are suggested to the Grant County Animal Shelter. JUST A THOUGHT Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. Psalms 1:1–2 ESV Though it did not start out that way, or show itself immediately, we slowly became like them. First standing around talking, and then sitting and listening to the cynical, bitter gossip in church. Before too long, I felt just like they did and I could begin to hear it in my speech. I am not sure why I did not see all this negativity before, how could I have missed it? Finally we got a grip on it and moved away from that side of the church and life was better. Walking, standing, and sitting is progressive. In 1 Cor. 15:33, Paul wrote that bad company corrupts good character. While it is certainly relevant outside the church, we found that it can be pretty bad inside as well. The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:21–23). The company that you keep will affect your view on life. They can bring out the best in you, or the worst. They can inspire you, or depress you. Many are happy where they are and will not want you to grow. Do not hang out with bad company. They will bring you down to their level. (Jesus said) If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Fathers commands and remain in his love. —John 15:10 Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God Taken from a post by MaryLee Willoby Start your day with a prayer, it will make your day go smoother! Disclaimer: When I am given the names of these people to pray for I post it as given because I think everyone no matter who they are can use prayer. I do ask that if you are able to update me at anytime on someone listed you would be so kind to do so. Your requests and updates are what fuel this out reach.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:09:06 +0000

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