Status Update For Tuesday, 10/29/2013 @ 10:06 AM: Good - TopicsExpress


Status Update For Tuesday, 10/29/2013 @ 10:06 AM: Good Morning Everyone! As you can see I am still alive and kicking this morning. I have a few things to discuss with you all this morning. But, first things first my friends. Today is day # 82 of living sober. As difficult as the past two weeks have been for me and the stress that filled yesterday to the max, I refused to take a drink. I will not let sobriety go. My being weak in the past is what caused my world to collapse from being a drunk and I say never again to that lifestyle. I was up all night and did a lot of brainstorming to figure out what options beside my van are available to me? I have too my surprise, come up with something which can still turn things around. It will take a slightly different route than I wanted but, the destination in the future will still be there and the same or even better. You see, I had to realize first that yes, I am a good funeral director and a talented embalmer as well. That did not come over night either. It took me since 1998 to be able to do what I do so well today. Years of practice, making mistakes, learning from them and getting back up and just doing it again until I got it right. The situation I am in today does parallel some of challenges from my past, except back then I was not a drunk. So, I just had to realize that I was strong then and can be just as strong now. Even though right now life is very difficult for me. The lienholder was playing hardball to the max with me and yes some of his demands were a little bit out of line but, push come to shove, it is still his van until paid off and I am the one who defaulted not him. So I am prepared now to move forward in a slightly different direction. Here in Cartersville, GA. there are plenty of buy here pay here local dealers. The down payments vary according to the year, make, and model of what you are looking for. I can get at least some basic transportation to start out with, a simple but reliable car for now for around $895.00 to $950.00 down. I made some calls this morning and spoke to my clients. They are willing to sit down with me and have a chat about doing things in the funeral home until I am able to get my Georgia funeral director/embalmer license. Remember I must save the application fee which is $350.00 then sit for the States Laws & Rules Exam as well. However, I must supply my own reliable transportation. Which is just common sense. In time, I will be able to purchase another van on my own and I can then proceed with my plans. I must also try and break this cycle of staying in the motel. It is an expensive option and it will make it hard to save for my own small place here. So you guys see how this has become a viscous cycle that just goes round and round? I have to break it in order to regain my foot hold on life. I have $295.00 in cash right now everyone. That will go a long ways in keeping me fed. I dont know how you guys would feel about this idea but, I would like to continue and see if I can get help to raise enough capitol to get a small car from a buy here pay here car lot? Get it insured, and registered of course, and work on my recovery plan this way. I would need help in this case of around a total of only (estimate), $900.00 maybe even less. I may also be able to locate some reliable not a fancy car, that I could maybe even purchase outright. Then no payments except the car insurance. Again another option. So my question here is this, would you guys continue too support me with this idea? Would anyone be upset or just plain fed up if I keep trying to get help with the capitol? In the long run, I think this is a more do able solution than the van. Some of you guys said that things happen for a reason and maybe that is why the van campaign failed short of the mark. $1,500.00 plus insurance was a lot of capitol to raise in a short time frame. With support and help, I can still regain my life and continue to turn myself into a whole man again. I want to be proud of myself once again, and I want my family to be proud of me once again also. I will not fail at getting my life back on track once again. I just have to take a different path to get there that is all. Thank You All for allowing me too share my thoughts and plans with you all this morning. I hope I have your continued support Side note, my Paypal account is still up should anyone consider helping. The account # is , rjtoker@live Or Western Union is also still an option, as I said I do have all of my identification so, this method is fine as well. Please feel free my friends if you decide to continue supporting me, to share this post with others. Maybe this time the goal is more reasonable and the outcome more in reach. God Bless You All My Friends! ....................... Richard :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 14:59:26 +0000

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