Status by Well Small Animal Rescue: Just a quick update on what - TopicsExpress


Status by Well Small Animal Rescue: Just a quick update on what we have been doing here at WSAR this week. Its been busy as usual here as we try to get jobs done before the winter sets in, but we are getting there, frustrating as it is to be beaten by daylight most days. The dog kennel is up and just needs painting, we will be putting carpet on the walls of the sleeping area to insulate it and the run then needs paving, we hope to get some kind of heating in there too otherwise it will be used in the warmer weather and just for emergencies. Rescues take preference but if it is empty we are hoping we can take on boarders for a donation towards the rescue. The rabbits are all now settled in their new runs and they have started to dig their new winter burrows, their houses are old and rotten, we have covered them in tarpaulin for now but we would really like to raise some funds to buy three small sheds for them, its the least they all deserve. The pigs have already rooted their way around their enclosure, today we covered it in straw to keep it from getting too muddy, but they seem to love it and they have the lovely big ark full of hay and straw to burrow under where they can be found most of the day, they really need a trough of some sort to stop their food going in the wet mud, they have overgrown their sink, and Snoopy tends to stand in it barking at the others if they dare to try to get to the food, so we now have to feed them separately. The chickens now have a nice new winter shed, fully secure where they can roost and keep warm at night, they took themselves in it the first night and didnt bother too much about coming out in the morning so they must love it! We have been collecting new pallets to fill in the gaps so the dogs are secure back and front, we have so far put up 26 with probably about another 30 to go, these will all need painting, so if anybody fancies a day in the countryside painting fences surrounded by animals, up to their knees in mud you are more than welcome, tea and cake will be provided! We have a stall at the Lincoln Vegan Fair on Saturday where hopefully we can raise awareness and a few pennies, Chaiara has been busy updating our website, and trying to get sponsors, and we have a few idea for a special festive fundraiser The best thing ever this week was hearing Conker purr for the first time. Remember the little feral who came in this time last year, for weeks she used to climb the walls in fear? After a year of gentle talking and extra treats, for the last couple of months she has recently be tolerating a little stroke behind the ears, then a few days ago she allowed me to stroke under her chin and realised she liked it so much she found herself purring! Many thanks to everyone who continues to support us, this page is our main source of income for the animals. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the animals upkeep, vet bills and to help us get this place sorted for the winter can do so via paypal to [email protected]. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:54:56 +0000

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