Status update Please read... The Seattle Farm Co Op Board would - TopicsExpress


Status update Please read... The Seattle Farm Co Op Board would like to update its members and retail customers on recent decisions made regarding the retail operations of the Co Op. At this time the Board has decided to Close full retail operations of the Seattle Farm Co-op while we assess the feasibility of continued operations and continue to look for a permanent location. This decision requires liquidation of our remaining inventory between now and September 26th and a move of any remaining items to temporary storage. Multiple factors such as cost, location, and the ability to operate limited retail operations will all be factored into the temporary storage location decision. The board has established a deadline of January 31st for a go-no go decision for continued retail operations of the Co-op with the option to move forward sooner at Board discretion. We encourage all our members and customers to visit the warehouse between now and our last open day Friday September 26th to stock up on supplies and take advantage of some excellent savings. We would also like to emphasize that this hiatus of retail sales will be a busy time for the board who will be weighing the different options and models suggested by our membership for continued operations. Membership support, volunteer contributions and the willingness of new board members to step forward for the upcoming elections will weigh heavily in our evaluations. Please step forward to contribute in any way that you can if your desire is to see the Co Op continue and flourish. A notice will be coming out shortly regarding a membership meeting where we can more fully discuss our agenda for the next couple months and gather feedback from our membership. Thank you, The Seattle Farm Co Op Board of Directors.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:35:57 +0000

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