Stay Fit, Stay Injury Free Finding the perfect workout isn’t - TopicsExpress


Stay Fit, Stay Injury Free Finding the perfect workout isn’t always easy. It should be enjoyable and it should fit your schedule. Once you’ve found a workout that works for you, don’t forget to stay safe. You can stay injury free by warming up and cooling down before and after every workout. It’s easy to forget the warm-up and cooldown. But jumping into a workout without preparing your muscles and ligaments properly can lead to strains or sprains. The Warm-Up Warm-ups loosen your muscles and get your body ready for activity. Getting your heart rate going and speeding up your blood flow makes you less likely to get an injury. And it also helps prevent soreness in your muscles. A warm-up doesn’t have to be difficult. Five to 10 minutes of brisk walking is usually enough to get your blood flowing. You can also include some very light stretching, but not too much. It’s best to save any serious stretching until after the workout. The Cooldown Cooling down has the same effect as the warm-up. And it’s just as important. If you’ve just finished a good workout, it’s not a good idea to stop everything right away. You should keep moving for another 5 minutes or so. Slow down your pace, though. An easy walk will bring your heart rate back down to normal and help you avoid becoming light-headed. This should also help you avoid joint stiffness and muscle soreness. Once you’ve cooled down give your muscles a slow, gentle stretch. Hold each stretch for 12-30 seconds. Relax and breathe through each stretch. Be sure not to bounce your stretches. If you feel any pain, stop the stretch right away. Stretching will make your limbs more flexible and improve your posture. Remembering to warm up and cool down every time you exercise will go a long way toward helping you avoid injury. And staying free of injury can help keep you on track with your fitness goals.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 18:47:46 +0000

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