Stay at home mom....that term is so misunderstood by so - TopicsExpress


Stay at home mom....that term is so misunderstood by so many...mostly by those who have never had that role. People seldom times realize what all goes into that job. I must say, I knew it was hard work, but never realized the magnitude until I took on the role myself. This job is by far the hardest I have ever had, and it financially pays the least... it actually pays nothing monitarily. But, it pays far beyond great in rewards that are unexplainable. Everyday, I work my hiney off from the time I get out of bed until my mind finally shuts off long after Ive laid down. I clean, clean, and clean again because my house refuses to stay clean then I cook usually three meals a day, pack lunches and see Graham and Carter off to work and many of my days are also spent taxi-ing Parker around to appointments. Then there is baths, laundry, homework, paying bills, finding ways to save money, and soooo much more! Today, Ive talked on the phone scheduling appointments WAY more than I ever did as a secretary... I now have at least one appointment scheduled every business day for the next 10 days! I say all of this NOT complaining. I am SO happy with what I do everyday. I dont have to miss anything that my kids are doing. I am able to keep a home the way it should be and keep a happy husband. I am VERY blessed and thankful for what I am allowed to do. I write this post though to give mega props and recognition to all the other stay at home moms and dads out there! And to those working and providing financially so that we can stay at home! Often times we are confused as people who have everyday off and get to take naps. When I worked, I had two days off a week and might catch a nap on sunday....but now, there arent any off days...and sleep, what is that again? I truly dont know how I kept everything going when I had an office job. I do know this, it was always halfway done then. :) so...everyone pat a stay-at-homer on the back today! I must go change a diaper and my husband Graham Nash, just got home and said hes starving! Hahahaha! Duty calls!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:20:18 +0000

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