Stay out of the Bushes! Copied from freerepublic articles. As - TopicsExpress


Stay out of the Bushes! Copied from freerepublic articles. As CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie observed in his new book TAKEOVER, due out on April 8, “No matter who else gets in the Republican presidential primaries, Jeb Bush will remain the ‘great white hope’ of the Republican establishment. In addition to supporting all of their major policy goals from Common Core to amnesty for illegal aliens, a Bush candidacy also holds out the hope of millions of dollars in consulting business and lucrative lobbying contracts for a small but powerful coterie of Bush family supporters and acolytes. No one else in America, save Hillary Clinton, starts the 2016 political season with a larger Rolodex of Washington insider supporters than does Jeb Bush. A Jeb Bush election as president would ensure that the Republican establishment stays in power for at least another decade, and it would also ensure that, no matter if Jeb or the Democrat wins, Big Government will prevail.” The weaknesses of Jeb Bush at a glance: 1. Bush -- like it or not, Americans in general and conservatives in particular dont like any hints of dynasties. This third Bush will clearly overshadow a second Clinton. 2. Terri Schiavo - Today is anniversary of Terri Schiavos death. Her death is part of Jeb Bushs record. There couldnt be a more telling time (day) for Jeb Bushs aspirations for the presidency to be put in front of America. 3. Amnesty. Like his brother before him, and like all the Chamber of Commerce, Jeb Bush is pro-amnesty for illegals. Little more than a week ago, Jeb Bush was quoted as saying, Jeb Bush: People who come here legally and illegally are the risk takers.... These are only the top 3 that tell me Jeb Bush is a non-starter. His name now smacks of royalty, pro-lifers are rightly suspicious of him, and conservatives as a group do not support illegal amnesty. 1 posted on 3/31/2014 9:48:40 AM by xzins [
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:23:32 +0000

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