Stay relaxed with Calma and Bio- Bach flowers from cdVet 100% - TopicsExpress


Stay relaxed with Calma and Bio- Bach flowers from cdVet 100% nature Christmas and New Year’s Eve - often involves stress for our pets The festival-days are beginning, preparations for Christmas are in full progress and not uncommonly the weight of expectation rises. The Advent and Christmas season as well as New Year´s Eve also leave their mark on our four-legged companions. The increased visit of people, the resulting noise and of course the stress of the pet owner, that often transfers to the pet are reasons for a higher burden of the animal nervous system. The emotional and physical capacity must be proven again and again. Body and soul are getting worked up; this can lead to imbalances and nervousness. In addition to these factors malnutrition can be a source for permanent stress. There are great numbers of vitamins, micronutrients and secondary plant compounds timorous, nervous and easily irritated animals can benefit from without the disadvantages of a negative impact on the waking state. Calma: PREMIXTURE of flavor and appetizing additives for dogs, cats and horses. For diet-related support with nervousness and before stress situations. Bach flowers softy Complementary feed for cats, dogs and horses. Compatibilizing with worse experience, fear shivering, uncertainly, scared of noises, other animals, humans, new things cdVet® Natürliche Tiergesundheit Ihr Beratungsteam steht Ihnen täglich zur Verfügung. Kostenlose Beratung für Ihr Tier vor Ort und telefonisch. Tiergesundheitsforum : Fit-BARF® damit Barfen wirklich funktioniert S1ngularis® natürlich kontrollierte Einzelsupplemente auch für das Individual-BARFEN. fitCrock® – natürlich chemiefreies Hundefutter – auch für´s Teilbarfen dentaVet® Natürliche Maulhygiene für Ihr Tier VeaVet® Natürliche Tierpflege und Hautgesundheit mit System ArthroGreen® Natürlich gesunde Gelenke – Das Zellbiologisch geprüfte Original von cdVet REPTIN® Natürliche Reptilinegesundheit InsectoVet - natürliche Insektenabwehr Privet®Farming natürliche Tiergesundheit für Nutztiere Antibiotika vermeiden in der Landwirtschaft Natürliche Tiergesundheit in der Schweiz - Natur Pur =
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:00:01 +0000

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