Stay strong Were misunderstood yes, But no one is perfect and - TopicsExpress


Stay strong Were misunderstood yes, But no one is perfect and if they thing they are there funny -.- because Weve all made mistakes why judge someone for being depressed or sad or happy! We judge one another like its child in a candystore.... Why tho? Umm lets think about this for one minute to talk about why we judge......... Well first we have no life so we have to judge someone because we either dont understand what theyre going through and you dont mean to or you dont know what theyre gong through and you just dont give a crap i like the one i just said you dont know whats happening and they wont tell you because they have trust issues because of what you or someone else put them through so for now on think about what you say judgers...... Now for the bullys....... Did you know if you bully someone your really bullying yourself because thats what you wanna say to yourself but you dont know that its to you.... You pick on people because you either have NO life or youre being bullied at home so you have to bully us? You think youre awesome when youre not your hurting us and yourself so next time you bully think about what i said.... Now for the people being judged and bullied.......... Im soooo sorry they put you through that.... Please i want you to know how much it hurts me knowing your going through this crap Ive been there Ive done what you do just know im always here know matter what! I just want you to know all the crap theyve said or anything You are beautiful And your not a need or a whore or A attention hog soooooooo please if you love need to ever talk Im here! Your skin is beautiful never cut it. Your beautiful and so is your smile I love you princess or prince tell someone when your depressed tell me ill listen i promise
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:44:00 +0000

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