Stefan Molyneux - smarter than William F. Buckley. Truth about - TopicsExpress


Stefan Molyneux - smarter than William F. Buckley. Truth about Bill Cosby My own comment on 12/19/2014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theres a key propaganda-media-USA idea, Kafka. The half-Kenyan Obama states at the time of loss of the Senate to the neocon Republicans Conservatives Right party (furthering the stacking of government) (after having a Monsanto agent as secretary of the Interior) that its really important to get some bipartisan cooperation accomplished in his last two years -- unspoken this is NAFTA on Steroids and the Tar Sands game over for the climate pipeline. The next day Democracy Now (on television and radio) has a woman stating that opposing the Transpacific Treaty (to transfer USA and other countries national democratic governance to some international committee) is the single important focus for us since some, sufficient, members of the House and Senate are not controlled. Amy Goodwin also commented that its sort of funny that the Democrats have lost the Senate and Obama is going to China. John Perkins has stated that the Clouds of Corporatocracy that float over the World seem to be favoring China now. Obama has succeeded at most of tasks as a fill for the Bush Reagan Rumsfeld Cheney Clinton era after the Kennedy, Martin King, Black Panther killings. Like other times it still may make a difference if we all just hand all power to Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Nestle, The Koch Coal-Baronry. It would have taken a smart person to realize that the non-toxic non-pollutant CO2 was going to manifest as the Achilles Heel. Club of Rome did not mention that trick of fate. It is not at all clear the the sociopath Darwinian Success leaders such as the Koch Brothers, The Bush group and the Arab Sheiks are really going to factor in all this science stuff into their 5 year plans to anyones benefit such as their own progeny. As with the global heating catastrophy - it may in ultimate fact - make a difference - for The Seventh Generation if we collectively drive off the cliff at 70 miles an hour or at 55. The hundred-year-old Bill Cosby media story of, allegedly, molesting women in previous decades may be like the OJ Simpson trial festival at the time when the Martin Luther King family and lawyer demonstrated in USA Civil Court that the 3-name person didnt kill MLK rather agents from the USA government(s) did. Then too the implementation of USA policy to shoot certain people labeled as mentally ill or melanin skin, and then have a propaganda-media noise on the question of If white people are still racist -- this can be added to the Cosby news as also media-propaganda-fanfare. Dan Burdick Eugene Oregon USA Lori Wallach of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, DEMOCRACY NOW! Nov 6, 2014 https://youtube/watch?v=-Dz654cr3Q0 https://google/?gws_rd=ssl#q=+Obama+%22Mitch+McConnell%22+Senate+Trans-Pacific+%22Democracy+Now%22 Rob Bolman Maitraya Ecovillage While there seems to be little difference between modern civilization going off the edge of a cliff at 70 MPH versus going off at 55 MPH, really, the cliff in question is not a sheer drop, but a steep, bumpy slope and 15 MPH could make all the difference. eugeneweekly/2008/11/26/letters.html John Perkins - https://google/?gws_rd=ssl#q=corporatocracy+cloud+John+Perkins+China John: The geopolitics of the world has changed radically. No longer is it so much a question of countries as of corporations. We used to think of the planet as a big globe with 180 or so countries; a few of these — especially the US and USSR — influenced many others. Today, we still have 180 or so countries but we now see the power base as looking something like a group of large clouds that circle the planet. These are the corporations. They know no national boundaries, adhere to no particular laws. The strike deals with the Chinese and Taiwanese, the Israelis and Arab countries. . . We are at a time that is similar to when city states merged into nation states, except now the nations are becoming less and less important. A radical change in world politics and business is occurring. Martin Luther King not killed by the three name guy who died in prison before he could have a retrial King Family Lawyer William Pepper and the one dollar Civil Suit award https://google/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Pepper+William+%22One+dollar%22+Martin+King
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:43:05 +0000

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