(Stefanie) How to stay safe in your estate Here are some tips - TopicsExpress


(Stefanie) How to stay safe in your estate Here are some tips on how to stay safe in your security estate. Amelia de Ridder | 27 December 2014 06:00 Be on your guard against the illusion that residential estates and townhouse complexes offer the ultimate in safety and security, warns Mike Kidson, managing director of ADT Northern Region, Crime syndicates often target lifestyle estates exactly because those residents tend to become complacent with regard to security. “Criminals ferret out information from communities who, knowingly or unknowingly, provide information on what they see and hear as contractors or service providers on estates,” he says. “A particularly serious problem is information passed on by people who live on, or have regular jobs within estates. Armed with information, and their own reconnaissance, the criminals keep finding new ways of gaining access to estates.” While estate security companies are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve their service to residents, residents too can play a part in dealing with crime in estates. ADT Security offers the following safety tips for estate residents: • Do not rely on perimeter security alone. While perimeter security measures have been successful in driving down crime in estates, residents still need to take precautions in their homes. “Once criminals gain access to properties within estates they often have free rein because residents become complacent about their personal home security within these developments,” says Kidson. “Be sure to lock doors and windows and ensure vehicles are locked, even if parked in a garage and do not leave valuables lying around, particularly where they may be visible to passersby.” • Check the references of your domestic worker and gardener. Very often crimes within estates are carried out with the assistance of a domestic staff member. Make sure you have properly checked your domestic worker’s and gardener’s references and educate them on keeping your home secure when you are not there. • Watch out if there is construction taking place. Having construction workers on site within estates has historically resulted in elevated crime levels. Whether this is a direct result of construction workers having access to the estate, or because of the increase in traffic in and out of the estate remains a mystery. Take extra precautions. • Report suspicious behavior. One of the modus operandi within in these estates is for a crime syndicate to move into a home for a period of time. During this time they monitor the behavior of residents and initiate house break-ins in the estate before moving out. • Be alert when entering and exiting the estate. Criminals have targeted residents leaving from or returning to estates and hijacked them a few metres from the gates or followed them inside and robbed them by tail gating them as they enter the premises. The reality is that people relax and become less and less alert the closer they get to home. Do not think that just because there is a security guard at the gate that you can become complacent. “If you notice anything suspicious at the gate rather don’t pull in right away but watch from a safe distance or drive on and alert the police or your security company,” advises Kidson.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:34:17 +0000

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