Step 48 IN THE GREATER COMMUNITY, YOU WILL NOT BE FREE. We present this practice today to counteract many prevailing notions that people have that if they can escape the limitations of the world and enter into a Greater Community of intelligent life that they will naturally be liberated and freed. This set of assumptions exists because people have associated the Greater Community with their heavenly state. They look at the stars and they say, That is the heavenly abode. I will be free there. In the world I am not free. But there I will be free. And this assumption has been reinforced throughout the centuries, so people naturally think that visitors from the Greater Community will be Angelic and will be enlightened and will be coming here for the sole purpose of edifying humanity, uplifting humanity and enlightening humanity. It is incredible how well established these assumptions are and how people will not question them, believing in them so fervently and placing so much hope and expectation upon them. But it is our responsibility to teach you about life in the Greater Community and to prepare you for life in the Greater Community so that you will be able to distinguish your allies from your potential adversaries and able to understand how to engage with other forces of intelligent life with wisdom and discernment. Neglecting to do this would be to deny humanity its freedom and self-determination in the future. Therefore, we cannot neglect this primary responsibility. In the Greater Community, you will not be free unless you can establish your freedom and maintain it. In the Greater Community, you will be persuaded unless you can gain Knowledge and establish a foundation for it within your life. You may ask then, Is the Greater Community an evil place or a place without grace? Certainly not. It is simply like your world, only far bigger and far more complicated. Therefore, it requires a greater power and a greater presence of mind. This is redeeming for you, for you need this. And the very circumstances that will require it now exist within the world. Look at the Greater Community in a sober manner. You have great friends there. You have allies. There are cultures that have achieved high levels of Knowledge, but they are not the ones traveling all over the universe interfering with other races. You have much to learn about the Greater Community, and today we take another step in that direction. Beyond your practice in stillness and your hourly remembrances of awareness and discernment, consider this idea today—-not with fear, not with hope, but with the power of Knowledge. If you need to know how to get free message Compte De Saint-Germain
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:19:17 +0000

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