Step Out of the Narcissistic Spouses Entrenched - TopicsExpress


Step Out of the Narcissistic Spouses Entrenched Delusions Narcissists are clever at getting others to share their delusional world. It appears to be the answer to all of our problems and insecurities while we are in the falling in love phase with them. Male and female narcissists choose partners whom they know will be compliant. They dazzle us with their charm in the opening moves. They put their attention on us like a laser and make endless promises. They surprise us with their attentiveness to our needs and wishes. In a sense we are captivated and carried away by them. As time moves forward the non narcissistic partner becomes the victim of the narcissists shadow, the side of them that projects psychological venom, that chronically lies, that intimidates and humiliates, that threatens abandonment and vengeance. Narcissists know exactly how to work on all of our psychological and emotional sore spots. Incapable of true insight, they, nevertheless, are cunning and understand when to push each intricate button that will pull us down. When the spouse (This post applies to male and female narcissists) awakens from the delusion and realizes that she is separate as an individual from this person and has been taken in (often for years and decades) by the narcissists false reality, a time of reckoning has come. The narcissists spouse has decisions to make about his/her life journey. It is very difficult to leave a narcissist when they are holding security cards--emotional, psychological, financial, etc. Remember that you are entitled to feel secure within yourself, to use your professional expertise and experience to maintain your own financial stability and to have full use of your creative gifts. Pay attention to what you are learning about your narcissistic spouse. If it is helpful to you, share this information confidentially with a trusted friend or professional or both. Ending your relationship with a narcissistic spouse and his delusional world is a tough journey bue can be done. For each spouse the road is different but there are similarities. Do not wave off your insights. Pay close attention to them and act according to this wisdom that comes from deep inside. Keep your attention on your goal---to lead the life that you deserve--to feel inner peace--often for the first time--to be able to express yourself freely, to go to the deep well of creativity and to rediscover how inventive you are, to find those who care deeply about you and who listen and believe you. You are coming home to yourself and healing.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:12:41 +0000

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