Steph asks: I have a 2 year old that was prem born at 34wks he - TopicsExpress


Steph asks: I have a 2 year old that was prem born at 34wks he has a heart condition that has now become mild, he was a late crawler and only started at 14mths is now super speedy, can climb everything and is just starting to talk but he cant walk on his own yet. He walks holding a hand or finger and has taken 3-4 steps on his own but thats it. We have seen a physio, podiatrist and chiropractor they all say the only thing that stands out is he has low muscle tone. His Peadiatrition isnt worried he has just said he is delayed from his medical history and also booked him in for an MRI as he noticed his head measures small in his red book (its not out of proportion to his body as he has always had a small head) he thinks its genetics and nothing but to check it out in case. Has anyone else been through something similar or had a late walker and everything else be fine im starting to worry now as my other children were early to hit their milestones? Thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:02:16 +0000

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